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Image processing Essay Example For Students
Picture handling Essay 1.1 IMAGEAn picture is an antiquated irregularity that depicts visual acknowledgment, for instance a two-dimension...
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Footballs governing bodies Essay Example
Footballs governing bodies Essay Example Footballs governing bodies Paper Footballs governing bodies Paper All sports have at least one governing body. This governing body has many responsibilities, including setting rules, setting punishments, controlling draws for competitions and tournaments, etc. The governing body for football in England is the Football Association. They control football at all levels, from grass roots to the premier league. One of their jobs is to make sure that football is being played using the correct rules and regulations so that each game is fair. They do this by making all referees and officials take a course that teaches them the correct rules of the game, and tests them to make sure they know them. They handle such things as international relations, ethics and sports equity, elite player development and coaching. The FA has also done many great things that have helped the game in England. An important thing for the future of English football is that we keep producing good young footballing talent. The FA has overseen this by setting up coaching academies and national football centres of excellence. These centres of excellence are where the best young footballers are sent to learn from the best coaches and trainers in England. This helps them progress, and lets them play with and against the best players in their age group. They also make sure that they are educated well, so that if they dont make it in football, they do have a backup plan and other options. : The FA controls the England national team, and also appoints the manager. They have a say in who can and cant be selected for various reasons. One of the most recent, and high profile cases of the FA refusing to allow a player to be selected for the national team, is when they banned Rio Ferdinand from playing for England. Ferdinand was at the time being charged for failing to take a drugs test. Against the wishes of the England manager Sven Goran Eriksson, the FA refused to allow him to be selected whilst the case was pending. The FA, through its extensive training programme for coaches, has always had as a priority improving the technical quality of coaches across the country. This in turn improves the quality of players, as better coaches mean better players. The first step to become a coach is to enrol on a FA Coaching Course. By getting on the coaching ladder individuals have the opportunity to progress up through the various FA Coaching qualifications and to enhance their skills and knowledge in coaching. The FA is also involved in running campaigns for the good of the game not only in England, but worldwide. Campaigns such as kick it out have been a huge success. Kick it out is a campaign aimed at eliminating racism from the game in any shape or form. It wants to remove racism from stands, pitches and from football in general. Due to the FAs funding, the campaign has done a great job of achieving its goals, and is teaching the next generation of youngsters not to be racist. Sean Halsey, P.E. homework, Ms Price Footballs governing bodies Just as the FA controls football in England, it in turn is controlled by European and worldwide governing bodies. UEFA is the governing body for European football. It controls tournaments such as the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA cup. Its job is to make sure football is run properly over the whole of Europe, and it has a hand in decisions that affect football worldwide along with FIFA. FIFA is the governing body for International football. Its decisions affect all international football teams and it has a hand in setting new rules and regulations for football as a whole.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Patenting Rights and USPTO Applications
Patenting Rights and USPTO Applications When an inventor is granted a patent the following will arrive in mail; your US patent will be issued in the name of the United States under the seal of the Patent and Trademark Office, and will be signed by either the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks or bear his/her name and have the signature of a US Patent Office official. The patent contains a grant to the patentee. A printed copy of the specification and drawing is annexed to the patent and forms a part of it. What Rights Does a Patent Grant? The grant confers the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the invention into the United States and its territories and possessions for which the term of the patent shall be 20 years from the date on which the application for the patent was filed in the United States or (if the application contains a specific reference to an earlier filed patent application) from the date of the earliest such application was filed. However, you have to pay your maintenance fees. Watch the Wording Patent law can be tricky, the key is in the words right to exclude. The patent does not grant the right to make, use, offer for sale or sell or import the invention but only grants the exclusive nature of the right. Any person is ordinarily free to make, use, offer for sale or sell or import anything he/she pleases, and a grant from the US Government is not necessary. The patent only grants the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale or selling or importing the invention. Since the patent does not grant the right to make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import the invention, the patentee’s own right to do so is dependent upon the rights of others and whatever general laws might be applicable. A Patent Does Not Give Unlimited Rights A patentee, merely because he/she has received a patent for an invention, is not thereby authorized to make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import the invention if doing so would violate any law. An inventor of the new automobile who has obtained a patent thereon would not be entitled to use the patented automobile in violation of the laws of a State requiring a license, nor may a patentee sell an article, the sale of which may be forbidden by law, merely because a patent has been obtained. Neither may a patentee make, use, offer for sale, or sell, or import his/her own invention if doing so would infringe the prior rights of others. A patentee may not violate the Federal antitrust laws, such as by resale price agreements or entering into combination in restraints of trade, or the pure food and drug laws, by virtue of having a patent. Ordinarily, there is nothing which prohibits a patentee from making, using, offering for sale, or selling, or importing his/her own invention, unless he/she thereby infringes another’s patent which is still in force. Correction of Granted Patents The Office may issue without charge a certificate correcting a clerical error it has made in the patent when the printed patent does not correspond to the record in the Office. These are mostly corrections of typographical errors made in printing. Some minor errors of a typographical nature made by the applicant may be corrected by a certificate of correction for which a fee is required. The patentee may disclaim (and try to remove) one or more claims of his/her patent by filing in the Office a disclaimer. When the patent is defective in certain respects, the law provides that the patentee may apply for a reissue patent. This is a patent granted to replace the original and is granted only for the balance of the unexpired term. However, the nature of the changes that can be made by means of the reissue are rather limited; new matter cannot be added. Any person may file a request for reexamination of a patent, along with the required fee, on the basis of prior art consisting of patents or printed publications. At the conclusion of the reexamination proceedings, a certificate setting forth the results of the reexamination proceeding is issued. Patent Expiration After the patent has expired anyone may make, use, offer for sale or sell or import the invention without permission of the patentee, provided that matter covered by other unexpired patents is not used. The terms may be extended for certain pharmaceuticals and for certain circumstances as provided by law.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Adverse possession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Adverse possession - Essay Example This doctrine is based on limitation of actions whereby certain courses of actions becomes statute barred after a certain period of time. 1.1. How adverse possession is obtained Adverse possession is obtained by a trespasser who has met the common law requirements explained in part 2. In all states, there are statutes of limitations that put a cap on the time which property owner can bring courses of action to recover the property from a trespasser. When such time has lapsed, the trespasser effectively gains title to the land, and if the owner of the land can bring a suit to claim such property later, the trespasser is entitled to claim adverse possession as a defence or counter-claim. In U.K under the Land Registration Act 2002, a trespasser is entitled to make an application to the land registry to be registered as the owner, after meeting the laid down requirements 1.2. Example of adverse possession Mr X purchased a plot in order to put up commercial buildings in M Borough County. He fenced up the plot but due to financial constrains, he was unable to start constructions. For one year, he would send somebody occasionally to slash grass. Over time, Mr Y who owns a plot adjacent to the land started to use the property as his garage. He took over the duty of slashing and general maintenance. Over the years, he even replaced the lock to the main gate three times and fenced the plot such that it was only accessible from his property. At one time, following visits by brokers who wanted to purchase the land, he erected a ‘land not for sale’ sign and additionally indicated that ‘trespassers will be prosecuted’. During all this time, he was fully aware that the plot belonged to Mr. X but did all these developments fully aware of that fact. After 10 years of his presence, Mr. X sent a letter to protest his presence in the property without his consent. However, the matter was not followed up. 13 years later, Mr. X gets the necessary finance an d desires to commence the constructions. In this scenario, Mr. Y is entitled to claim legal ownership of the plot. This is because he had been in actual, notorious and open occupation of the plot for uninterrupted period of 13 years. Evidence of possession is evidenced by the signs that he erected to wade off trespassers and warn potential buyers. His possession was adverse to the title of Mr. X which is evidenced by the letter of protest sent by X. Therefore, Y, who was initially a trespasser, has since displaced X and is therefore entitled to claim legal title to the property. Several circumstances have to be in existence for a trespasser to establish adverse possession. 2. Requirements for adverse possession They include: a) He must have been in actual possession. b) Such possession must be adverse or hostile to title of the true owner. c) Such possession must be continuous or uninterrupted and d) Possession must be open, factual, and notorious so as to amount to constructive not ice to the owner of the property. 2.1. Actual possession Under this requirement, the trespasser must actually be in possession of the land. This implies physical occupation of the land. Besides the physical occupation, the court in Littledale v Liverpool College [1900] 1 Ch 19 held that the trespasser must bear the intention to possess (animus possidendi). However, in Pye v Graham (Oxford) Ltd [2002] UKHL 30 it was held that the squatter need not have a long-term intention to acquire title, it is sufficient if their intention is to displace the owner. Such possession must be possession of the entire property. If the possession
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12
Leadership - Essay Example In the film Dead Poet’s Society, by Peter Weir, Mr. Keating, is an English teacher at an old preparatory school, who steers his students to greater heights, by teaching his students, through experience, how to think critically. Dead Poet’s Society features a leader, Mr. Keating, an English teacher, who is very disturbing, but at the same time curiously inspiring. Mr. Keating steers his students to love learning and poetry, completely changing their controlled and structured academic existence. He crosses boundaries that should otherwise not be crossed by someone traditionally demanding of respect and authority. He arrives at Hillside Academy, a preparatory school for old boys, to start working as an English teacher. He is an inspirational and involved teacher, who uses declarations, "Carp Per Diem†to conquer the day. Among others, he quotes Whitman Walt and relates his overall theme of rising above mediocrity and convention, to these literary passages. He encourages his students to approach learning through a more intuitive and deeper understanding of life from literature, as opposed to rote memorization and structure. Mr. Keating illustrates two different methods of leadership. It displays individual reactions to each other, and the consequences of these leadership methods. The leadership approach of Mr. Keating’s creates a strong student- teacher bond thus empowering them to be successful. In his classroom, students have no other choice than to think for themselves. Keating’s actions and words strengthen his personal connection to his students as well as a sense of trust. Trust goes a long way in creating respect, concern, fairness and understanding. However, he at times sets up himself as the only one who can lead students to this greater understanding, but his motivation is wholly admirable. This attempt, unconscious about his part, paradoxically creates a similar situation that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
“Sophie’s World†by Jostein Gaarder Essay Example for Free
â€Å"Sophie’s World†by Jostein Gaarder Essay After I read â€Å"Sophie’s World†by Jostein Gaarder, I was opened up to the different ways of thinking by many well-known philosophers. Each philosopher had their own point of view and ways of thinking. Ranging from religious perspectives to over the top ideas that were unaccepted by the people of their time, these men tried to answer philosophical questions such as â€Å"What is our purpose in life?†and â€Å"Where did the world come from?†. During their times, such thinking was looked down upon and some even got executed for threatening their cultures way of thinking. Socrates, who encouraged his pupils to increase their range of beliefs, got poisoned for breaking ancient Greek religious views and was said to be ‘corrupting the youth’. A few of these philosophers had points that agreed with my own beliefs, such as Soren Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard said that the truth does not only lie in objective things such as facts, but also in subjective things. He believed that life was more about your own values and beliefs rather than reason and strict rules. I relate to his laid back since of mind, because I am a laid back type of person. Many of today’s creative ways of thinking would not have been achieved without someone just relying completely on their own imagination. Even though this book was intriguing, it really didn’t change my way of thinking. Yes, it was entertaining to learn about how ancient philosophers tried to explain the world, I’m not sure it impacted my life in any way. Like all of these philosophers changed by brain teasing ideas that were forced upon me. I did agree with some points that these philosophers made, but only ones that supported my Christian faith. The book itself said â€Å"Where both reason and experience fall short, there occurs a vacuum that can be filled by faith.†Science and philosophy can only go so far. Science can explain why things have to hit the ground after it had been thrown and philosophy can attempt to explain if it didn’t hit the ground one time why a grown person would be more shocked than a kid. But the fact is no one can explain why something happens at a certain time, at a certain place. Only faith can do that. Even though those philosophers attempted to explain things like where the Earth came from, none of them ever came to an agreeable conclusion. This book did make me think deeper about some of the concepts that were easier to grasp, but I believe philosophy is something I am not interested in. However, I did take interest in the section of the book about psychology,and I think many of the philosophers could have also been classified as psychologists also. This section included interesting facts about dreaming and the subconscious mind. Philosophers sometimes supported their reasoning with observations from the subconscious mind. For example, unexplainable things easily classified as ‘supernatural’ actually came from the imaginative part of the brain. These chapters taught me that the brain can do impressive things, even while sleeping! Studies show that the brain usually sends messages from the conscious brain to the unconscious brain in the form of dreams. Even if you don’t realize it, your brain is secretly telling itself what it wants during your sleep and it is receiving them and analyzing them as images that we would see when we are awake. That’s how some dreams feel so real when they are clearly just your unconscious mind â€Å"speaking†to you. All together, â€Å"Sophie’s World†, like every other book, has its pros and cons. To completely enjoy the book, let the book take you to places you never thought possible. Open your eyes and prepare for the ride of your life, one you will never forget.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Black Boy :: Essays Papers
Black Boy3 Most young people have a dream of what they want to become. Maybe it doesn’t have to be a dream, but some kind of goal that they reach for. In the book, Black Boy, Richard, the main character, also had a dream, even though he lived in the South with strong white discrimination, pressure and a bad relationship with his relatives. As a student right now, I have dreams that I want to achieve in the future, even though I really don’t know how to achieve those dreams. Usually, when people are young, they have dreams of what they want to become. Those dreams may be being a firefighter, baseball player, teacher, pilot and so many other great jobs. When I was a child, I really wanted to become a pilot. The reason that I wanted to become a pilot when I was a child is that my father is a pilot. Richard had a dream to become a writer. However, Richard Wright’s main dream and reasons that made him have his dream are really different from mine. Richard was discriminated against by the whites, and was not treated fairly by his relatives. This terrible environment, which Richard lived through his young age, led him to seek freedom in nature. Even though he dreamed to become a writer, he had no leeway to think about dreams like that or mine. At first, he was just hungry for a better life and environment. Richard’s dream was to go up North for a better life and environment because he was tired of the discrimination and the racial distin ction between whites and blacks. Richard and I are similar in some ways. I really don’t know how to get a job or anything. It is the same as Richard for not knowing the reality of being in the North and becoming a writer. He just imagined himself working all over the place where he could find jobs as one step to reach his dream. I study here in Keio and I believe that it is a step and part of a process to be an adequate person, to gain enough knowledge to have a job in the future. My dream right now is to have a job that would let me work in a foreign country.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Human Relations Essay
Human relation is a thread which connects one human being with another. Such relations help us identify our position in society with respect to people around us. These relations provide ways to expose the hidden anthropological factor in all humans. Our appearances whether physical or emotional are often deceptive as they do not necessarily reflect true intentions. Studying human relations involves understanding the subconscious human thinking that influences our motivations (Henderson 17). The following essay deals with the importance of inter human relations on human growth and success. Keywords: social, interaction, people, relation, existence, communication, failure, understanding, business, knowledge, motive The evolution of human being from an unthinkable ape to a thinkable animal is a noteworthy phenomenon. We have learned, demonstrated and understood that man is a social animal. Several qualities which are dormant in him come to surface when man is exposed to similar creatures and situations which stimulate his brain cells. Communication capabilities and successful interaction with one another has made him share ideas and commodities for fulfilling his requirements since ancient times. Human existence is itself a struggle against our environmental conditions. To gain all that can be gained, to achieve all that can be achieved and to conquer all that can be conquered is the motto of human living today. Demand for success in every deed has become an inseparable aspect of human efforts. Man has tremendous potential to carve path for himself and achieve phenomenal success. We have known great people such as Edison, Newton, Einstein and many more who have stood rooted against all odds and such is their success that their names are at the tip of our tongue. It should be noted that although individual survival is possible but growth and success are fairly dependent upon establishing and maintaining human relations. For instance let us consider the case of a businessman trying to market a product to boost his company sales. Substantial improvement in productivity can be viewed with apt co-operation from people in various departments such as those concerned with product delivery, packaging, costing, advertising and ultimately the customer. A splendid combination of co-operation from everyone involved needs remarkable communication and a good understanding amongst participants. A failure in this will always have quantifiable repercussions on the businessman’s attempts to run his company. One also has to understand that entire chain of activities needs a wise action plan and wishful involvement of people. â€Å"It is a known fact that businesses become more effective as their employees become better adjusted emotionally†(Henderson 16). Maintaining an excellent rapport by keeping healthy human relations is significant for the success of every individual involved. As rightly suggested by Huczynski, human relations have the power and ability to firmly hold entire industrial society which was once considered a shaky fabric. This was considered possible because of inherent human desire for intimacy and predictability in day to day activities (127). We also know that unity adds strength. Unity arrives from strong bonding amongst a group of people. These strong bonds can be maintained by keeping good human relations. Maintaining good human relations facilitates co-operation and increases our power even as an individual. A good ensures support during adversities. Personal growth carries different meaning to different people. Few may find substantial growth and happiness in group work whereas some others may find it easier to tread their paths alone. Success and personal growth do not come on their own accord. They demand involvement, hard work, determination and perseverance. Success in certain field also requires knowledge of subjects from some other areas which are to be acquired with help from other people. This involvement from other people can only happen if a good quality of interpersonal relationship exists among them. Improper human relations create huge communication gap and dampen a person’s motivation and urge. What exactly is personal growth? Expanding our dimensions of knowledge and understanding without any involvement with others is nearly impossible. A bad relation stems from selfish motives, insufficient understanding between people and it often leads to conflicts. Such conflicts cause mental instability and are a major reason for war. A person is said to grow when he/she grows not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually. Let us understand this with the analogy of plants. A plant cannot grow on its own. Through years it has developed relations with sun, soil, water, fertilizers, oxygen, other plants for pollination, etc which are all essential for its growth. Same is the case with humans. The crux of entire discussion lies in attempting to focus on best possible human relations. A good human relation is very essential for individual growth and success. A good relation nurtures happiness, promises satisfaction and opens new horizons for success. As Butler-Bowdown writes about Covey; until one can understand others’ way of seeing, one cannot be truly successful. Personal growth isn’t always about doing something new but about doing something in new light and learning to see world with other’s eyes (93). An exemplary shift in human relations triggers personal achievements at a high level!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Terrorism and Immigration Legal Report
As the world's population grew, so did political and economic instability, as well as major international conflicts. Tensions between countries and cultures tightened, and eventually and inevitably, one of them attacked. This terrorist act brought with it the panic and chaos fuelled haze that was post-911 Australia, and similar to many situations in the past, the fear and vulnerability associated with the community allowed the government quite a substantial amount of political power. This atmosphere of fear and ignorance lead to several incomplete and somewhat extreme pieces of Anti terrorist legislation to be passed by the Howard government, in order to ensure the safety of all Australians, or so they said. Dr Mohammed Haneef a doctor working in Queensland on a skilled migrant visa, soon found himself a victim of these laws. When two Indian men attempted to bomb an airport in Glasgow, UK, Mohammed Haneef became a suspect in the eyes of the Australian Federal Police, and was arrested shortly. Several blunders and misinterpretations by the AFP lead to the wrongful detention and charging of Dr Haneef, a man who spent a total of 12 days in detention without being charged and had his visa unfairly revoked during his trial. Haneef was eventually released and all charges were dropped against him, when the Public Prosecutor determined that there was no legitimate trial against him. However, the course of events that Dr Haneef experienced brought to light the glaring dilemmas associated with Australia's radical Anti Terrorist laws and corresponding government agencies. The Clarke inquiry and concurrent recommendations As a result of the badly handled Mohammed Haneef case, the labour party ordered a full inquiry be conducted into the legal case, in order to identify the key faults and inefficiencies in government agencies and legislation that related to the Haneef Case. This Inquiry was called the Clarke inquiry, conducted by John Clarke, a Supreme Court judge. Despite the inquiry lacking several crucial powers, it worked well to suggest a number of key findings and recommendations. Some very key recommendations that worked toward rectifying mistakes made in the Haneef case were as follows: That the government consider establishing legislation or necessary arrangements that would consequently apply to other inquiries and reviews that involve national security. That parliament review part 1c of the Crimes act 1914, the part that relates to terrorism offences. That the Australian government appoint an independent reviewer of the Australian counter terrorism laws. That the Minister for immigration and citizenship be included in the list for security intelligence notifications and reports produced by ASIO, in order to prevent miscommunication in the future. All of these recommendations and more were implemented and thoroughly elaborated on by the Australian government. Anti-Terrorism laws reformed due to the Haneef case. Following the Haneef case and the Clarke inquiry, the government decided that necessary reforms were in order and announced its intentions to amend and alter several Anti-terrorism laws in order for them to correlate with conventional, sophisticated standards, standards that find a fair balance between national security and civil liberties. The Labour government took a major step in deciding to abolish the sedition terms within anti terror legislation while focusing more on rebellious acts that insight violence. The previous laws were deemed restricting of academic liberty and free speech. Some of the other significant changes listed in a newspaper article include the advancement of individual review of the Australian federal police, the government's decision to broaden powers assigned to the Inspector general of intelligence and security which allows inquiries to extend across all National security agencies, and the in-statement of an independent reviewer of Australia's counter terrorism laws, to be named the National security Legislation Monitor. These reforms are a strong representation in the government's effectiveness in update obsolete or otherwise procedurally dangerous Anti-Terror laws. These changes are the first of many steps in order to find the balance between human rights and National security. Claims for compensation by Mohammed Haneef After the ill handled arrest and charge against Mohammed Haneef and the distasteful cancellation of his Visa, Haneef has finally returned to Australia to claim compensation against the federal government on the basis on his trauma, loss of wages and career, defamation. Despite having an almost iron hard case against the federal government, Haneef opted to first try his best to resolve the manner through a mediation process. A News article reported that Mohammed Haneef's lawyers were able to reach an agreement with the federal government and rested his claims for compensation, a substantial claim, though the actual amount is undisclosed. It can be seen as a victory for the Mohammed Haneef and the Australian government, whose reputation will be partially restored over the matter. The government chose to make a good decision and provide Haneef with legitimate compensation through very discreet and uncontroversial means, casting little to no negative association to the government. Formal apology from the Federal government Almost immediately following Dr Haneef's success in claiming compensation, as reported in a relevant media article, the federal government released a document in the form of a formal apology on behalf of the AFP's several blunders and misinterpretations, which lead to the prolonged detention and charge of Mohammed Haneef. Haneef's lawyer congratulated the Government for recognising the need for such measures in a formal declaration of innocence, that would help clear Haneef's name of any wrong doing . The AFP also participated in the assist of Dr Haneef's claim for compensation, and were eager to rectify its previous hastily made mistakes. The Federal government's formal apology not only allowed Haneef's professional reputation be cleansed, but also publicly rid them of any negative association with the controversial court case. Conclusion The politically fueled implementation of Anti-terrorism legislation by the Howard government was a rushed and ineffective endeavor, and despite Mohammed Haneef becoming the victim of such broad laws, his Case, as well as the efforts of the labour government, allowed these radical laws to be reformed to concur with Australia's legal and utilitarian standards.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
I Etyw#Tw43 T34 Essay Example
I Etyw#Tw43 T34 Essay Example I Etyw#Tw43 T34 Essay I Etyw#Tw43 T34 Essay The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will win and the decent people will lose. James Earl JonesTo take away firearms would mean leaving law abiding citizens defenseless in a life or death situation. If you were to take the hundreds of millions of legally obtained guns away from the citizens of the United States, and proceed to stop selling firearms in stores, the only people that would be left with guns would be the criminals that illegally obtained them, and law enforcement. We call the police because they have firearms, not because they have pens to write down what already happened to us. If the police use guns to come protect citizens, why can’t the citizens themselves have guns? Sometimes the police won’t be able to come to your aid in time, and you owning a gun may be the only way to protect you and your loved ones. Owning a firearm is a right that all American citizen s should retain. Home owners need a way to protect themselves and their property from criminals. Banning firearms would only leave law abiding citizens defenseless. Banning firearms in the United States may lower gun related violence, but that doesn’t mean crime itself will go down. Both the United Kingdom and Australia currently have very strict gun laws in place. These laws were issued in 1997, but since then violent crimes have only increased. The amount of crimes committed in 1997 for England and Whales is around 5,000,000. The amount of crimes committed in 2005 for England and Whales is about 6,000,000. These statistics show that even if you put strict firearm laws in to effect, that doesn’t mean crime, will go down. For England, Whales and Australia, crime only seemed to increase. Many citizens in the United States feel that guns are to blame for fire arm related deaths, not people, and to ban guns would lower deaths. However, many other citizens feel that people are to blame,
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Supercharge Your Task Workflows With CoSchedule [DEMO]
How to Supercharge Your Task Workflows With [DEMO] You may have noticed that there are some changes to how tasks function inside your calendar. Were working hard to make sure were giving you all the control you need to have a successful workflow. Get familiar with all new changes and learn more about what is coming in the near future to help make your workflow simpler AND smoother inside of . How To Supercharge Your Task Workflows With The new task refresh now allows you to: Easily assign + schedule tasks with a single click (no more drop downs and triple clicks) Every task now has an added section for more details (so you can give your team the context they need to get the job done right). Prioritizing tasks (based on what matters to you) is now a thing (i.e. we won’t force you to prioritize by date). Take action on tasks in your NEW task dashboard. Reorder and prioritize your tasks based on your workflow. You can now use the task dashboard for BOTH your personal + team to-do lists. Task Approvals (available on Team Pro plans and higher) is NOW a part of your workflow! Which means you can assign folks to review tasks, make decisions faster, and keep track of everything directly in .
Sunday, November 3, 2019
RESEARCH NURSING ARTICLES CRITIQUE Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
RESEARCH NURSING ARTICLES CRITIQUE - Article Example Taking into considerations various knowledge that a research provides, in this essay two such works related to the field of nursing shall be critiqued and evaluated. The first chosen research for the critique is titled: â€Å"Caring for adults with intellectual disabilities: perceived challenges for nurses in accident and emergency units†and the other one is: â€Å"Parents experiences of general hospital admission for adults with learning disabilities†. Taking the research process steps as the systematic guidance for the critique, both of these researches shall be evaluated for their strengths and weakness in various aspects. The critique shall be based on the research question of â€Å"the perspective of both the parents and the staff in the experiences in hospitals with the adults suffering from intellectual disabilities†. And both the researches are chosen taking in mind this research question. The essay shall be concluded with some evaluation of its findings . A title of any written piece must function as an overall informer of whatever findings and conclusions are going to unfold in the reading. Same applies to a research. And the two researches under our investigation do have their titles suggesting their actual findings. The first title mentions the ‘Caring for adults with intellectual disabilities’ first and then clarifies the precise purpose of the study by mentioning ‘challenges for nurses in accident and emergency units’. The title of the second research too confirms its aim by mentioning the exact findings. We understand that the research is going to investigate the experiences of the parents in hospitals while admitting their adult children with learning disabilities. Both the titles suggest clearly that the researches are going to be qualitative. The information of the authors provided before the vary start of the paper do give the readers the knowledge that the researches are carried out by qualified and experienced authors.
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