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Image processing Essay Example For Students
Picture handling Essay 1.1 IMAGEAn picture is an antiquated irregularity that depicts visual acknowledgment, for instance a two-dimension...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Description Of The History Of Family Centered Services
Description of the history of family-centered services Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the family centered services generated preventable client assignment with no definite procedures for stability (Mass Engler, 1959; Gruber, 1973 ;as cited by Pecora, Reed-Ashcraft, Kirk). Furthermore, Gruber (1973) established that the problem was rooted in insufficient data to make suitable decisions to address clients concerns. Likewise, Franshel Shinn (1978; as cited by Pecora, Reed-Ashcraft, Kirk) added that this resulted in one of many issues such as, family centered services encouraging separation between blood relatives by restricting contact. The goals of child welfare services. In order to address these past mishaps, the following three goals were established by child welfare services. The first goal of child welfare services is the security of its clients (Pecora Harrison-Jackson, 2016). When I was in college as an undergrad, I had a terrible roommate. She made my living environment very uncomfortable, where I felt at times as if I was walking on pins and needles. It was always tense in our room. As adults desire a safe, comfortable environment, how much more vulnerable children? The second goal is to make every effort to maintain family attachments or provide a stable alternative environment (Pecora Harrison-Jackson, 2016). I have never been transferred from place to place, but I can imagine. It must be the most uncomfortable feeling; conceivably, theShow MoreRelatedTaking A Patient History : The Role Of The Nurse1159 Words  | 5 PagesJournal Article Review Introduction ‘Taking a patient history: the role of the nurse’ is an article written by Tonks Fawcett and Sarah Rhynas, published in the Nursing Standard, volume 26, issue 24, pages 41-46 on February 15, 2012 . In this article, the authors write about taking a patient’s history and how this is a vital element of patient assessment. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Audience Analysis Characteristics Of My Classroom Audience
Audience Analysis: Characteristics of my Classroom Audience Audience analysis is described as the process of examining information about your listeners. Then using that analysis helps you adapt your message so that your listeners will respond as you wish (Steven A. and Susan J. Beebe, 2015). It is highly important to read your audience when presenting a speech, the first thing I noticed about my classroom audience was everyone has a good sense of humor and were open minded as to what they might be hearing. In this paper I will be analyzing my classroom audience and describing how they might react to my speeches and what is the best way to present my speeches. I will discuss the differences between each person and how their views will shape my speeches as a whole because ultimately I must appeal to my audience. When I gave my first speech to the class about my life I was very nervous, I didn’t know any of these people and they didn’t know me, but by the end of my speech I realized it wasn’t that bad and we all get stage fr ight so it was okay that I was nervous. I saw then how understanding my audience was and they won’t judge my speeches as a whole based off of one mishap. While standing in front of the class presenting I saw a lot of head nodes indicating to me that they were following along with what my life was about and they showed interest by laughing, and by doing these thing they we unknowingly giving me feedback about how I was doing and weather they liked what theyShow MoreRelatedThe Mental Models Chapter Of Meaningful Learning With Technology Helped Me Understand The Complex Thinking Involved With Creating Mental973 Words  | 4 Pagesworking and then determine, with the cognitive aid of mind mapping, where I could focus my work and the work of our students. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
“A Horse and Two Goats†by R.K Narayan Sample Essay Example For Students
â€Å"A Horse and Two Goats†by R.K Narayan Sample Essay A Horse and Two Goats is one of the treasures from R. K. Narayan`s pool. The writer has contributed vastly to the development of literature by the dint of his sarcasm and temper. `A Horse and Two Goats` reflects the conversation between Muni and a crimson American picturing the differences in their ideas. owing to the problematized state of affairs as both have their different linguistic communications barely understood by the other. The rubric signifies the feeling of Muni when he was selling his two caprine animals to the American though that was merely a piece of statue. The writer R. K. Narayan is one of the popular Indian authors composing in English frequently termed as the Indo-Anglican author. As a novelist he upholds the Indian kernel in all his plants instead than following traditional Western manner while the linguistic communication elected for the look of his emotion is evidently a borrowed one: English. An first-class short narrative Teller. he wrote many short narratives. which are published jointly under many headers. `A Horse and Two Goats` did non accomplish a broad international audience until 1970 when it became the rubric narrative of R. K. Narayan`s 7th aggregation of short narratives. It was `A Horse and Two Goats and Other Stories` . It reached an even wider audience in 1985 when it was included in Under the Banyan Tree. Narayan`s 10th and best-selling aggregation. By this clip Narayan was good established as one of the most outstanding Indian writers composing in English in the twentieth century. Narayan is best known for his 14 novels and narratives. many of which are placed in the fictional town of Malgudi. However. the narrative of `A Horse and Two Goats` does non unroll in Malgudi. This narrative is considered to be a all right illustration of Narayan`s adeptness in making prosecuting characters and humourous duologues. Outline of â€Å"A Horse and Two Goats†by R. K NarayanThe book `A Equus caballus and two Goats` was foremost published in Chennai. in a newspaper named `The Hindu` in 1960. The narrative presents a amusing duologue between Muni. a hapless Tamil-speaking villager. and a affluent English-speaking man of affairs from New York. They are engaged in a conversation in which neither can understand the other`s linguistic communication. With soft temper. Narayan explores the struggles between rich and hapless and between Indian and Western civilizations as good. The narrative of `A Equus caballus and two Goats` is told in two parts. The first one where the set up of Muni and his life in Kritam is described and the 2nd portion trade with the meeting of the man of affairs and Muni. The first portion is chiefly to give Muni a sort of deepness. and besides to do the 2nd portion credible to the readers. At the terminal. it would look a triumph for Muni. who is now in ownership of more money than he has held in his life. Beneath the looking triumph. there can be another concealed significance that ancient India is selling its heritage cheaply. at the cost of its spiritualty. There is a deficiency of involvement by the people in the Equus caballus and warrior statue and this may bring forth the demand of the main roads of present twenty-four hours. Bing published by the Bodley Head Ltd. . Hind Packet Books. New Delhi. Viking Press. etc. `A Horse and two Goats` is a fantastic short narrative written by R. K. Narayan that includes a capturing preservation between a native and a alien.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Old Man And The Sea Essays (754 words) - The Old Man And The Sea
The Old Man and the Sea The Old Man and the Sea Relationship, External Nature and Dignity in The Old Man and The Sea Man has always suffered his most to achieve his goal. However if one doesn't experience the danger; will not be prepared to handle his problems. Experience is a part of life which gives man his true identity. Does this identity comes from one's luck or struggle? Relationships on the other hand interpret strength and dignity. Ernest Hemingway has shown this through Manolin's behavior. He is a young boy who follows Santiago and listen to his wisdom. If this dignity is eliminated will it effect there relationship? Santiago's fight with nature symbolizes the troubles of existence. Does this mean that the outer existence is nothing but a perilous world? Relationship, External nature and Dignity are the major themes in The Old Man and the Sea A very important relationship in the novella The Old Man and the Sea is that between Manolin and Santiago. Manolin supports Santiago and helped him to confront his greatest challenge. Manolin proves this when he says, "I would like go fishing with you. I would like to serve you in some way" (p. 15). Manolin is the first person who appreciates Santiago's experience and skills. He wants to be like Santiago and be a skillful fisherman (p.24). Manolin's concern for Santiago is very significant to their relationship. It keeps the united even after a huge difference in their age. When Santiago returns after loosing his spectacular catch, it's Manolin who cries at the sight of the wounds "he saw the old man's hand and started to cry" (p. 122), and vows that he will never allow the old man to fish alone again. Therefore' Manolin has proven his relationship to Santiago through his moral respect. The danger confronting Santiago in the external nature represents the troubles of existence. Heminway's, The Old Man and the Sea represents many meanings to the out side existence. The marlin for example represents struggle, trouble and the last challenge Santiago went through. Santiago's struggle as a fisherman with marlin also symbolizes durability by putting up such a struggle. Accomplishing or obtaining something doesn't always end one's journey. Once Santiago hooked the fish (marlin) he still has further complications (p.57). First, the fish might dive to the bottom and break the line; second, it might die, and sink (p.72). The sharks bring him more trouble afterwards. The cost him to loose his stuff, "He took my harpoon and my rope (p.103). The sharks represent those who tear apart one's success. Therefore, the external nature is nothing but affliction to the mankind. Santiago's dignity as a human being is established by the code of values he loves because he is a fisherman. His last experience as a fisherman gains him his ultimate victory when he goes out and fights nature in the form of terrible creatures, among them, a marlin and sharks. He starts the story in a small skiff and moves out in a journey to capture a fish after a long losing streak of eighty- four days (p. 25). Santiago comes upon a force bigger than his skiff, the marlin that misleads him out past his intended reach (p. 62). Santiago has struggled for three days, which is significant because for three days he continues to fight on though his goal may not acquire anything. But at last his great will power and pride provides him with his greatest victory. Santiago is a man with a great pride and courage. He proves this point through his statement "But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated" (p. 103). This old wrinkled man finally over comes the great force of nature, the marlin by following the code of the fisherman. Finally this novella proves Santiago's profession as a fisherman which leads him to his final perilous experience and his relationship with Manolin .This story has good points, for when it comes to the better parts of the story, it emphasizes by placing in mind step by step of the way Santiago does certain actions. Hemingway has merged three themes already mentioned above successfully unto this book. Among them are Relationship, External Nature, and the code of dignity. The obvious ones are nature; it's cruelty and compassion. Nature caused pain yet gained him victory, caused him emptiness yet satisfied him, and gave the fish yet reclaimed it. Nature is actually more luck than a set of rules, for it can shift back and forth with the greatest of ease. The code of
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