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Image processing Essay Example For Students
Picture handling Essay 1.1 IMAGEAn picture is an antiquated irregularity that depicts visual acknowledgment, for instance a two-dimension...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Image processing Essay Example For Students
Picture handling Essay 1.1 IMAGEAn picture is an antiquated irregularity that depicts visual acknowledgment, for instance a two-dimensional picture that has a relative appearance to some subject generally a physical article or a man, thus giving an outline of it. A picture is a bunch, or a system of square pixels (picture parts) organized in fragments and lines. An image is a two-dimensional limit f(x, y), where x and y are the spatial (plane) composes, and the sufficiency of f at any pair of headings (x, y) is known as the intensity of the image at that level. If x, y and the abundancy estimations of f are restricted and discrete sums, we consider the image a modernized picture. A modernized picture is made out of a set number of parts called pixels, every one of which has a particular territory and worth.1.2 IMAGE PROCESSINGPicture taking care of is the examination of any count that snaps a photo as data and returns an image as yield. Picture Processing is a procedure to improve unrefined pictures got fr om cameras/sensors set on satellites, space tests and flying machines or pictures taken in run of the mill regular day to day existence for various applications. Picture Processing is a strategy to improve rough pictures got from cameras/sensors set on satellites, space tests and flying machines or pictures taken in average regular day to day existence for various applications. Various methods have been made in Image Processing in the midst of the last four to five decades. An enormous segment of the strategies are made for improving pictures got from unmanned rockets, space tests and military reconnaissance flights. Picture Processing systems are getting the chance to be pervasive on account of straightforward availability of powerful work power PCs, significant size memory devices, portrayal programming ventures thus on.Picture Handling is used as a piece of various applications, for instance, Remote Detecting Restorative Imaging Non-risky Assessment Materials Material Science. Mi litaryThe ordinary walks in picture getting ready are picture sifting, taking care of, improving and elucidation.There are two sorts of Picture dealing with. They are:1.2.1 ANALOG IMAGE PROCESSINGSimple Picture Handling suggests the difference in picture through electrical methods. The most broadly perceived representation is the TV picture. The TV sign is a voltage level which contrasts in adequacy to address quality through the image. By electrically moving the sign, the demonstrated picture appearance is balanced. The wonder and unpredictability controls on a TV serve to acclimate the plentifulness and reference of the video signal, realizing the illuminating, darkening and change of the sparkle extent of the indicated picture.Analog input signal ANA Analog yield signalFig. 1.1: Analog Image Processing1.2.2 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSINGFor this circumstance, propelled PCs are used to deal with the image. The image will be changed over to cutting edge structure using a scanner digitize r and after that methodology it. It is portrayed as the exposing numerical portrayals of things to a movement of tasks remembering the ultimate objective to get a needed outcome. It starts with one picture and conveys an adjusted version of the equivalent. It is thusly a methodology that snaps a photo into another. The term mechanized picture taking care of all things considered insinuates planning of a two-dimensional picture by a propelled PC. In an increasingly broad setting, it derives mechanized planning of any two-dimensional data. A propelled picture is an assortment of authentic numbers addressed by a predetermined number of bits. The rule focal point of Advanced Picture Preparing procedures is its flexibility, repeatability and the preservation of interesting data accuracy.ANALOG INPUT ANALOG OUTPUTSIGNAL SIGNALFig. 1.2: Digital picture processing1.3 IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUESThe diverse Picture Preparing strategies are:A. Picture representationB. Picture preprocessingC. Picture upgradeD. Picture rebuildingE. Picture investigationF. Picture reproductionG. Picture data pressureA) IMAGE REPRESENTATIONA picture described in this current the truth is believed to be a component of two real factors, for example, f(x, y) with f as the abundancy (for example sparkle) of the image at the authe ntic bearing position (x, y).Fig. 1.3: Image representationThe 2D relentless picture f(x, y) is isolated into N lines and M fragments. The assembly of a line and a fragment is called as pixel. The value allotted to the number headings with m=0,1, 2,,M-1} and n=0,1,2,,N-1} is f. All things considered, when in doubt f(x, y) which we ought to truly consider to be the physical sign that infringes on the substance of a sensor. Consistently an image record, for instance, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, etc., has some header and picture information. A header generally fuses focal points like association identifier (typically first information), assurance, number of bits/pixel, pressure sort, etc.- B) IMAGE PREPROCESSINGSCALINGThe subject of the methodology of intensification is to have a closer observe by intensifying or zooming the captivated part in the imagery. By decline, we can pass on the unmanageable size of data to a reasonable cutoff. For resampling an image Closest Neighborhood, Straight, or cu bic convolution methodology are utilized.I.MAGNIFICATIONThis is commonly done to upgrade the size of introduction for visual understanding or to a great extent to organize the size of one picture to another. To enhance an image by a variable of 2, each pixel of the principal picture is replaced by a bit of 22 pixels, all with a similar splendor regard as the main pixel. Fig. 1.4: imagemagifictionII. REDUCTIONTo decrease a propelled picture to the principal data, each mth line and mth portion of the primary imagery is picked and appeared. Another technique for completing the equivalent is by taking the typical in m x m piece and demonstrating this ordinary after genuine modifying of the resultant worth. Looking at contrasts in national bookkeeping rules EssayOrderOrder is the naming of a pixel or a social affair of pixels considering its dull worth. Game plan is a champion among the consistently used systems for information extraction. All together, commonly various components are used for a game plan of pixels i.e., various photos of a particular thing are required. In Remote Detecting zone, this framework acknowledge that the imagery of a specific geographic area is accumulated in various areas of the electromagnetic range and that the photos are in extraordinary enrollment. Most of the information extraction techniques rely upon examination of the spooky reflectance properties of such imagery and use exceptional estimations planned to perform various sorts of absurd assessment. The system of multispectral game plan can be performed using both of the two strategies: Directed or Unsupervised. In Regulated portrayal, the character and territory of a bit of the zone spread sorts, for instance, urban, wetland, forest area, etc., are known as priori through a blend of field works and toposheets. The agent attempts to discover specific goals in the remotely distinguished data that addresses homogeneous instance of these territory spread sorts. These extents are normally implied as Preparing Locales in light of the fact that the spooky traits of these realized zones are used to set up the portrayal computation for subsequent territory spread mapping of sign of the image. Multivariate verifiable boundaries are figured for each readiness site. Every pixel both inside and outside these planning districts is then surveyed and allotted to a class of which it has the most astonishing likelihood of being a section. Fig. 1.10: Picture groupingIn an Unsupervised gathering, the characters of zone spread sorts must be shown as classes inside a scene are not overall known as priori considering the way that ground truth is absent or surface segments inside the scene are not all around portrayed. The PC is required to social affair pixel data into different loathsome classes according to some quantifiably chose measures. The relationship in remedial region is the naming of cells considering their shape, size, concealing and creation, which go about as parts. This technique is also useful for X-beam pictures. F) Picture ReclamationPicture recovery insinuates ejection or minimization of corruptions in an image. This fuses de-darkening of pictures tainted by the requirements of a sensor or its environmental factors, commotion filtering, and change of geometric twisting or non-linearity as a result of sensors. Picture is restored to its one of a kind quality by changing the physical defilement wonder, for instance, defocus, straight development, air corruption and included substance disturbance. Fig. 1.11: Weiner Picture RebuildingPicture Reproduction FROM PROJECTIONSPicture generation from projections is a phenomenal class of picture recovery issues where a two-(or higher) dimensional article is reproduced from two or three one-dimensional projections. Each projection is gained by foreseeing an equal X-pillar (or other entering radiation) shaft through the article. Planar projections are in this way gained by overview the article from a wide scope of focuses. Redoing figurings decide an image of a small urgent cut of the article, giving an inside point of view commonly sad without performing wide medical procedure. Such techniques are imperative in therapeutic imaging (CT scanners), space science, radar imaging, geological examination, and nondestructive testBIBLIOGRAPHY G.R. Arce, R.E. Encourage, Detail-protecting positioned request based channels for imageProcessing, IEEE Transaction on Acoustics and Speech Processing 37 (1) (1989)8398. K.T. Atanassov, Intuitionistic fluf fy sets, in: Theory and Applications. Arrangement inFuzziness and Soft Computing, Ph
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Exorcism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Music Exorcism - Essay Example Melodic exoticism is excluded from some particular gadgets. In its whole works, it emerges through the cooperation or relationship between the audience and the work. Let’s fortify the qualifications helping to remember singular characters and outlandish condition, frequently depicted in show, rendered by non-extraordinary melodic methods. This tendency’s model incorporates Giuseppe Verdi, Il trovatore and Habanera &Don Joses Bloom Song both outlining and demonstrating Milieu or culture in some outside manner to potential crowd (Locke, 2012). Work is neither completely created nor reliably made, of the components to be recognized as a major aspect of an extraordinary medium, particularly. The audience members desires and the composers’ aims and means synchronization, will at that point produce an exoticism that’s a sort of gathering at last (Locke, 2012). Melodic expulsion late compositions mirror the suspicions that are implicit that an audience sees a work as fascinating in particular on the off chance that it unmistakably joins surprising or outside melodic style components. In musico-emotional works, for example, drama, set in intriguing regions, music is regularly heard, paradoxically, inside a casing of account that shapes the reaction of the audience. However in the current compositions, music expulsion limits its consideration regarding the sections and scarcely any scenes that will in general sound non-western (Locke, 2012). It likewise leaves unmentioned the emotional oratorios and Baroque-period dramas that will in general spotlight on eastern dictators that are wretched.
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Essay (argument) Example
Essay (argument) Example Essay (argument) â€" Essay Example > IntroductionGambling is an activity that involves money wagering or rather something that is materially valuable during an event whose outcome is characterized with uncertainty with the key intention being to additional material goods and/or money (Becker and Murphy 2001, p. 10). This activity’s outcome to be realized takes only a very short period. Whether gambling should be acceptable within the society has been quite controversial issue with different states globally legalizing the activity and others terming it as an illegal activity. Leisure time also known free time is that which is usually spent without doing work, domestic chores and business. It may also refer to times when an individual is through the very necessary activities and has nothing else that is engaging. Gambling may be a leisure activity but the idea of whether it is an acceptable form for leisure raises concerns. Gambling may be viewed as an acceptable form of leisure for various reasons. People who do not know much about this activity are bound to think that it involves bad aspects. They may even have their deductions those individuals who engage in this activity as a form of leisure acquire habits that are not good. This may entirely not be the fact. The activity is understood to give its players pleasure at different ages (Bergler 2002, p. 33). Realistically gambling may be understood to be a form of leisure that is positive where people get entertained. It acts as a source of joy for individuals who in their old age wish to engage in some entertaining activity which they find interesting. From this perspective, gambling is demonstrated as being an acceptable form of leisure. It is the desire of each and every individual to undergo personal growth and development in all the aspects of the life including their mental abilities. This desire necessitates that individuals should engage in activities that foster such personal growth and development. Gambling being an acceptable form of leisure provides a chance that allows individuals to enhance their mental abilities. The activity is usually very mentally involving hence; the players need to think critically before making any steps or decisions while gambling. The game makes one to develop focus. It is a recommendation that individuals while gambling they should think their way through during each tough moment that they encounter while gambling. This activity therefore shows quite a high level of acceptability as far as it being a form of leisure is concerned. Another perspective that implicates gambling to be a form of leisure activity relates to the benefits that accrue from the entire activity. There is promotion of care and love for one another among the players due to the fact that, the players who understand the game properly offer help to those who need it. This is an act of kindness that promotes peace among people without any sense of self-centeredness. Apart from the players benefiting from the act ivity, there is an extended kind of benefit that further concerns the entire society. One of the benefits is the fact that there exist casino halls, which give charity to organizations, and institutions that are in need (Dunbar and Barret 2007, p. 66). This is a reflection that the activity is a form of leisure and which is acceptable.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Capital Punishment And The Death Penalty Essay - 1740 Words
Capital punishment also known as the â€Å"death penalty†is one of the many sanctions used for violent criminal whom are convicted of heinous crimes. It is a government sanction in which criminals are put to death by the state government. There’s an on-going debate regarding the pros and cons of the death penalty. There are some individuals whom support the penalty and also a large number of individuals whom are totally against the death penalty. There is no clear decision whether the death penalty is effective and provides a sense of deterrence or whether it’s simply a costly mistake. But is the death penalty influencing others not to commit crime or is just a sanction that cost a lot and no one pays attention to? The criminal justice system has always focused on punishment rather than rehabilitation. They use the punishment sanctions to â€Å"prevent†future crime. Society sees punishment as the most acceptable way to hold criminals liable for their actions and to prove that there is social order. Capital punishment is one used when offenders commit more than likely heinous violent criminal acts such as murder. Some of the capital offenses that are punishable by death include first degree murder, rape with bodily harm, and federal treason. Although the death penalty will stop those individuals from committing a future crime, unfortunately it won’t deter other individuals from committing crime. Capital punishment isn’t something the criminal justice takes lightly meaning; we don’tShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1482 Words  | 6 PagesMrs. McElmoyl 12/12/14 Capital Punishment As stated by former governor of New York, Mario M. Cuomo, Always I have concluded the death penalty is wrong because it lowers us all; it is a surrender to the worst that is in us; it uses a power- the official power to kill by execution- that has never brought back a life, need inspired anything but hate. (Cuomo 1) This is one of the main arguments against capital punishment (also known as the death sentence.) Capital punishment is the ability for a governmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment931 Words  | 4 Pageswritten down (Robert). The death penalty was applied for a particularly wide range of crimes. The Romans also used death penalty for a wide range of offenses. Historically, the death sentence was often handled with torture, and executions, except that it was done in public. In this century, the death penalty, execution or capital punishment, whatever you’d like to refer it as, is the result for committing capital crimes or capital offences and it is not in public. The death penalty has been practiced byRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1410 Words  | 6 PagesCapital Punishment in America In 1976 the Supreme Court of the United States of America ruled the Death Penalty constitutionally permissible. The debate over capital punishment has always been a topic of great controversy. Before the Supreme Court ruling in 1976 America had been practicing capital punishment for centuries. At the current time some states enforce the death penalty, while some do not. There are differences of opinion’s relating to whether or not the death penalty is the proper wayRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty991 Words  | 4 PagesCapital Punishment Imagine your having a normal morning, eating breakfast doing your normal routine. Suddenly your phone rings and when you answer you hear the worst news possible. One of your family members has just been murdered in cold blood. You cry, mourn, then become angry. You attend the court hearing and you sit less than 20 feet away from the murderer. Do you truly believe this person deserves to live? Or should they face a punishment that is equal to their crime? Some may say CapitalRead MoreThe Death Penalty And Capital Punishment1569 Words  | 7 Pagesthe death penalty also referred to as capital punishment. The death penalty is both useless and harmful to not only criminals but also their potential victims. This paper uses these horrific facts to try and convince the reader that the death penalty should be done away with before it is too late, although that time may have already come. With supporting evidence to support my cause, I hope that the following information sways at least one reader to see the harm of keeping the death penalty an activeRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1235 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is capital punishment? Why do people support it, but yet people cherish lives? Is it a moral thing to do? Should one be for or against the Death Penalty? Let’s take a look deep into the world of justices and why capital punishment still exists in today’s society. Capital punishment or the death penalty is a feder al punishment given to criminals who are convicted of murders. It is the highest law punishment available that can prevent future murders by developing fear within them. Capital punishmentRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1017 Words  | 5 PagesName: Lucas Falley Topic: Capital Punishment Background: Capital punishment, or the death penalty, has existed for thousands of years. For as long as there has been organized society, the death penalty has existed in numerous cultures and civilizations. Throughout the years the methods have changed, but the use of capital punishment is becoming a pressing matter. Amnesty International reports that there are 140 countries worldwide that have abolished the death penalty, while over 50 countries stillRead MoreThe Death Penalty Is A Capital Punishment1271 Words  | 6 Pages What is the death penalty? The death penalty is a capital punishment that is punishable by death or execution. This is usually given to people that have committed serious offences or capital crimes. There are 31 states in the United States that are for the death penalty. Crimes that are punishable by the death penalty, vary from state to state. Examples of such crimes are; first degree murder or premeditated murder, murder with special circumstances, such as: intende d, multiple, and murder whichRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty1539 Words  | 7 PagesCapital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been the center of debate for a long time. Capital punishment may be defined as the â€Å"[e]xecution of an offender sentenced to death after conviction by a court of law of a criminal offense†(Capital Punishment). Up until 1846, when Michigan became the first to abolish the death sentence, all states allowed legal practice of capital punishment by the government (States). Currently, there 32 states still supporting the death penalty and 18Read MoreThe Death Penalty Of Capital Punishment1480 Words  | 6 Pagesjustice system, such as the death penalty. Capital punishment has been used many times in history all around the world, and it was quite popular. Many people argue that capital punishment is useful in deterring crime and that it is only fair that criminals receive death as punishment for a heinous crim e. On the contrary, others see the death penalty as a violation of the 8th amendment. It restricts excessive fines, and it also does not allow cruel and unusual punishment to be inflicted upon criminals
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Job Satisfaction And Employee Turnover - 1348 Words
Job satisfaction is a highly complex mixture of individual perceptions and individual rewards. Job dissatisfaction often leads to employee turnover which is costly financially, frustrating to unit managers, and also detrimental in regard to patient care and outcomes. Maintaining registered nurse (RN) job satisfaction is directly related to staffing levels (Kalisch Hee Lee, 2014). Teamwork and collaboration between all medical staff members can increase job satisfaction and provide better outcomes in patient care. Absence of teamwork and communication can result from cultural and rank barriers (McCulloch, Rathbone, Catchpole, 2011). Several studies have been performed to measure job satisfaction in nursing staff, but the aim of this study examines the links between actual unit-level staffing and job satisfaction of RNs and nursing assistants (NAs) (Kalisch Hee Lee, 2014) in order to identify factors that lead to employee turnover. The first question the researchers were interested in states, â€Å"What is the relationship between staffing and job satisfaction of RNs and NAs controlling for demographic variables and patient acuity?†The second research question states, â€Å"Are there any differences as to the significant predictors for job satisfaction between RNs and NAs?†The RNs and NAs were surveyed using a questionnaire to rate job satisfaction while also providing demographic data. The researchers used 131 patient care units in 11 different hospitals based in Michigan andShow MoreRelatedHow Does Job Satisfaction Affect Employee Turnover? Essay1885 Words  | 8 PagesHow does job satisfaction affect Employee turnover? Introduction Employee withdraw, also known as employee turnover is always a topic that is often brought up in research, especially in the areas of organisational behaviour and industrial psychology. â€Å"Beginning with the early studies of Bernays (1910) and Crabb (1912) and continuing to the present, well over 1,000 separate studies on the subject can be identified,†(Richard Richard, 1979, p. 1) however, only less than 20% of the in turnover varianceRead MoreThe Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Rate2093 Words  | 9 PagesThe Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Rate Introduction Adelphoi Village is a private, non- profit company that provide community based services to children and adolescents in the Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and West Virginia area. Adelphoi Village provides programs and services that strive to guide each youth on a path that will provide meaning, purpose and value in his/her life. Founded in 1971, Adelphoi Village has expanded to serve over 800 youth in 60 differentRead MoreThe Relation Between Job Satisfaction, Absenteeism, and Employee Turnover1720 Words  | 7 Pagesfor an organisation to be successful, it has to invest substantially into the domain of people skills, and their behaviour. Due to stressful working environment, many organisations loose employees due to lack of motivation, stress, lower employee job satisfaction and other contributing factors of behavioural sciences and psychology. All these factors have negative effects on the organisation and organizational behaviour simultaneously. Many experts are in concord t hat all these factors create disorientedRead MoreTypes of Attitude1169 Words  | 5 Pagesstudy of job-related attitudes. OB specifically focuses on three attitudes: job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment Job satisfaction In the field of OB, job satisfaction is one of the most important and widely studied attitudes. 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When these poor performer employees leave the organization, the company can benefitedRead MoreJob Dissatisfaction Is A Result Of Turnover Intention Among Nashua City Employees852 Words  | 4 Pages Job Dissatisfaction is a Result of Employee Turnover Intention among Nashua City Employees The topic of my study is ‘Job dissatisfaction is a result of turnover intention among Nashua City employees.’ My study is significant because it will look at some issues that are negatively impacting non-management employees in the Works Division of the City of Nashua, resulting in poor performance. Although turnover intention is cited as one of the many factors associated with job dissatisfactionRead MoreMotivation : Motivation And Motivation Essay1070 Words  | 5 Pagesthat is performed for its own sake is intrinsically motivated and behavior that is performed to acquire material or social rewards or to avoid punishment is extrinsically motivated. Examples of extrinsic motivators are salary, working conditions and job security, while opportunities to use one s own initiative and creativity are examples of intrinsic motivators. - The vast diversity of people and the complexity of their behavior have led to a broad range and variety of motivation theories. The purposeRead MoreEssay on Htm 150 Wk 4 Assignment 1 Employee Turnover799 Words  | 4 PagesHTM 150 WK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/htm-150-wk-4-assignment-1-employee-turnover/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM HTM 150 WK 4 ASSIGNMENT 1 EMPLOYEE TURNOVER HTM 150 WK 4 Assignment 1 - Employee Turnover Employee turnover in the hospitality industry averages 400% annually. This means that, on average, 100% of the staff of a restaurant, hotel, airline, cruise ship, etc. is replaced four (4) times per yearRead MoreEmployee Satisfaction1221 Words  | 5 Pagesinvolves the job satisfaction and employee engagement of a spa company’s workforce called Bella. The case depicts a new general manager Kris Jenkins’s concern that Bella’s numbers had deteriorated dramatically in the past year. Profits were down; absenteeism was up; turnover, while not dramatic, was higher than it had been in the past five years. This report shows how important the employee engagement to bring job satisfaction which overall leads a company with a less absenteeism, low turnover rates; ultimatelyRead MoreEmployee Job Satisfaction Has A Large Impact On Their Organization806 Words  | 4 PagesEmployee job satisfaction has a large impact on their organization. Employees being dissatisfied can lead to high turnover, higher absenteeism, affect their overall job performance, and impact custo mer satisfaction (Robbins Judge, 2009 pp 87-89). This post will discuss the impact job satisfaction has in regards to organizational citizenship behavior and employee engagement. Causes of Job Satisfaction There are several factors that influence an employee’s satisfaction in their
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Petrol Station Culture Within The Global Architectural Landscape Free Essays
string(70) " unit area on the premiss to introduce the extremist metropolis type\." Fill’er Up: gasoline station civilization within the planetary architectural landscape Abstraction: ( concise summery – no more than 10 sentence ) Merely as man’s ability to multiply text and administer it around the around the universe bore a new epoch so did his ability to refile gasolene and globalized it 4 centuries subsequently. With all their velocity forward they may be a measure rearward in civilization – that is, in religious civilization. It may be that they will non add to the beauty of the universe, nor to the life of men’s psyches. We will write a custom essay sample on Petrol Station Culture Within The Global Architectural Landscape or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am non certain. But cars have come, and they bring a greater alteration in our life than most of us suspect. â€Å" I ‘m non certain he ‘s incorrect about cars, †he said. â€Å" With all their velocity forward they may be a measure rearward in civilizationâ€â€that is, in religious civilisation. It may be that they will non add to the beauty of the universe, nor to the life of work forces ‘s psyche. I am non certain. But cars have come, and they bring a greater alteration in our life than most of us suspect. They are here, and about all outward things are traveling to be different because of what they bring. They are traveling to change war, and they are traveling to change peace. I think work forces ‘s heads are traveling to be changed in elusive ways because of cars ; merely how, though, I could barely think. But you ca n’t hold the huge outward alterations that they will do without some inward 1s, and it may be that George is right, and that the religious change will be bad for us. Possibly, ten or twenty old ages from now, if we can see the inw ard alteration in work forces by that clip, I should n’t be able to support the gasolene engine, but would hold to hold with him that cars ‘had no concern to be invented. ‘ †~Booth Tarkington, The Magnificent Ambersons, 1917 In 1942 Orson Welles wrote and directed an acclaimed movie version of the book Bourgeois enthusiasm 1950 – 60 s fuelling station design was inspired by a businessperson enthusiasm for travel velocity, freedom, main roads and new car design Lent novel attributes to go, doing it an exciting stimulating experience. Today exhilaration about the freedom of independent travel in one’s ain auto has changed to indifference and annoyance. Congestion and long drilling distances along a monotonously efficient main road, every bit good as the entire dependence upon the auto as a agency of effectual travel have changed the psychological science of travel from escapade to frenetic haste from point A to point B. This alteration is besides reflected in the design of fuelling Stationss. Rather than outstations chiefly serving the auto ( normally with an associated workshop ) , extremist metropoliss attempt to supply ace efficient points of repose functioning commuters. In an effort to germinate the design of main road Stationss, with the altering psychological science of travel, fuell ing companies have responded by maximizing efficiency of service and agreeableness in an attempt to supply a ‘calming’ environment in which to pass money. The workshops, dirt and oil have disappeared, clean and healthful lavatories, shadowing workss and lawn purpose to make oases along ‘inhospitable’ terrain. I will mention to this type as extremist metropolis, since this term speaks of the. as yet. unfulfilled possible it holds. Ultra Cities This type has held my attending, since it depends strongly on the high flows along another planetary phenomenon – the expressway, Autobahn, main road – strips of practical urbanism cutting through rural and urban landscape. In the South African context the main road has diverted flows from the high streets of towns and little metropoliss. The concern and informal endeavor reacting in portion to the visitants and commuters go throughing through have lost their backing, which is now catered for by ‘ultra cities’ competing for attending along the main road. Having none of the dynamic and character of the high street, this type performs as an unnaturally deep-rooted mini-urbanity. In rural countries the most up to day of the month consumer points in a 200km radius are offered. The extremist metropolis ‘s purely regulated transiency, nevertheless has prevented it from going a node around which local endeavor could turn and profit in a meaningful manner. Owing to the extremely competitory nature of the fuel industry, certain interesting developments have taken topographic point, puting bare a scope of potencies to be explored. thestandardizationof a peculiar image uninterrupted alterationof extra programme in the face of high fight the flawlessnessof a certain scientifically-based layout to guarantee smooth traffic handling and gross revenues extra comfortsssuch as eating houses, telephones, local home-made nutrient industry and jumping palaces local industryand markets are incorporated in certain instances ‘Sky decks ‘ , suspended eating houses, etc have been developed to understate doubling of plan and instill involvement in users different nutrient franchisesand local concern cater for a diverse patronage ( tourers, locals, taxis ) Contemporary developments include more programmatic options, making a wider scope of commercial maps for the commuter to prosecute with, every bit good as limited chances of single local endeavor. Transience is foisted on the commuter through a disregard in topographic point devising. This transiency, in portion is enforced by ordinances, but besides through the high turnover demands in pumping fuel. Any topographic point doing attempt or extra plan can be understood as devices helping higher fuel gross revenues. This position is held by fuel houses, since it is their concern to sell fuel merely. Thus the extremist metropolis has deserved as small enthusiasm as modern-day travel. A realization is clicking: better agreeableness and wider programmatic pick ( in the signifier of franchises ) , finally benefit fuel gross revenues in the face of highcompetition. It is besides for this ground that a site along the N1 on the border of Bloemfontein has been chosen, where several fuelling Stationss already thrive on high commuter flows. This scenario puts force per unit area on the premiss to introduce the extremist metropolis type. You read "Petrol Station Culture Within The Global Architectural Landscape" in category "Essay examples" The potency of the extremist metropolis as deep-rootedextremely accessible mini urbanitycan now be realised. In a sense a limited country or instead one point along the main road becomes acongested prosaic urbancircuit ( accessed by auto ) ; an alternate development to the congestion of the old high street. In a periphery status of a metropolis, an break along a limited entree main road becomes an interesting point, where thepotencies of fringe, main road, and high commuter flowsbecomeconcentratedIn Bloemfontein ‘s instance, a civic, political and cultural aspiration demands to be taken into full history, since this edifice will necessarily in its remarkable being as urban grounds along the N1 go an icon to the metropolis of Bloemfontein. Hybrid energy It has become accepted, that most extremist metropoliss cater in a bland mode for conventional in-between category commuters caught up in vacation, concern or day-to-day rites in which travel is a necessary load. Peoples are prepared to halt at the locale affording most convenience in fuelling, utilizing ablutions, eating fast nutrient and drawing out once more, – a short break on their journeys Can a new exhilaration be created where people choose to linger for a piece, take notice of a landscape, engage with a programme non strictly commercial, but one which allows for rest of head and organic structure before go forthing refreshed and stimulated, non irritated? Could such a topographic point be really successful commercially every bit good, and pull a wider scope of people for different grounds? A certain extremist metropolis near Harrysmith is frequented by locals. It offers an environment set in a beautiful landscape and assorted shopping, good feeding and relaxation installations. Some South Africans take their nuptials exposure in forepart of extremist metropoliss, since, in certain countries, they sport the lone piece of accessible landscaped garden as puting A new fuelling station in Midrand proposes a diner over the main road as a meeting point for executives. These observations point to place-making potency achieved through the programmatic enlargement of fuelling sites and an integrating with landscape and recognition of a wider context. This attack no uncertainty begs for an all inclusive, long term vision, which fuel pools seem to be tenuously developing towards in coaction with assorted local endeavors and national franchises. In planetary bad tendencies – programmatic barrage is employed to make concentrated, diverse enclaves in which the different maps are reciprocally prolonging to bring forth big user attending. Interesting bad undertakings like the one in Kempton Park, where amega-casinoandhotel composite includes the proviso ofacultural installation– atheaterandmuseum.( This vision was put frontward by Caesar ‘s Palace fromLas Vegas,whohave theresources to colonize the site. ) Performance The extremist metropolis has everything to make with public presentation. It has to show a extremely seeable option in fast moving traffic. Large flows of commuters need to be handled expeditiously and swimmingly. Commuters need to be safely guided on and off, through and out The main road needs to stay efficient in its limited entree. Today thepublic presentationof architecture has become more of import than itssignifier. Efficiency in managing big flows of traffic or users, entree, services, etc. , are standards, which dominate architecture of a certain graduated table Theensuing signifieris so frequently dad in a peculiar manner ( e.g. in historical attire ) , in entire antithesis to its contents. Alternatively the scientific factors of design frequently become aesthetic generators in their ain right, paying court to our machine and information age. What is frequently forgotten is human experience, which is thought plenty to be reduced to the answering of a set of NEUFERTS informations. The most powerful potency of architecture, to my head, is the power it has in suggesting future ways of life in our universe. Informed by the present position quo, New programmatic combinations can be set up enabling assorted maps and different users be brought together in new life, working, recreational and learning dealingss. Since we, and everything around us are invariably germinating, so should we as interior decorators in order to non simply reply to complex modern-day demands In our undertakings we can integrate an apprehension of a jutting hereafter world. In this manner we become proactive alternatively of reactive in playing out the portion we have in determining our environment. The auto Today autos are designed as swimmingly moulded capsules enveloping their users, protecting them on the inhospitable terrain of high ] speed travel. In the same sense a edifice following to or over the main road shelters its users from noise and danger while reacting to the captivation of watching ‘the universe shoot by* . The edifice performs on a figure of other degrees ; opening up to protected landscapes, reacting to climate, positions, spread outing and undertaking to let for assorted events, etc This premiss aids in building a edifice which performs a fraudulence of maps, triggers associations, creates awareness – here architecture’s public presentation transcends that of the auto in making antiphonal topographic points. Its building reflects these potencies in the same mode as does that of the auto, but besides reacts to its context with which it ties in and at the same clip separates itself from. Procedure Since covering with a national, even planetary phenomenon, it became evident, that this type can ‘land’ anyplace, where high traffic flows warrant it The higher these flows the more extremist inventions are justified, in order to vie with the, necessarily, already bing Stationss or possible future rivals These scenarios proved intriguing to me and pointed in the way of a future vision of the type and an probe into the nature of the main road. I decided to ship on a figure of geographic expeditions of different possible context for the extremist metropolis type. I anticipated, that these exercisings would inform each other and assist me happen a specific site and develop a brief How to cite Petrol Station Culture Within The Global Architectural Landscape, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Health Care Adequate Medical Care Services
Question: Write an essay on "performance in healthcare sector". Answer: Health improvement greatly depends on primary health care services. It is vital to have an adequate medical care services to enhance the overall health of the population. The comparison of health care management in two different countries might help identify the factors needed to boost up the role of the health care systems in these and other countries that are burdened with high mortality rate, low health status and other related issues. The essay welcomes an opportunity to perform a comparative study on Australia and Canada, in reference to its performance in health care sector. The reason to choose these provinces is that these countries have played a key role in developing a new model in health care organisation. The author will perform a thorough literature search, to analyze several areas of health care such as the governance system, funding system, health indicators, and the performance in health system and the percentage of GDP spent on health. The essay will demonstrate the health care system of the two countries by discussing each of these parameters. The essay will end in conclusion based on the research findings of the study. The leadership and management is the core of the governance in health sector. The rich mix of practitioners, clinicians, policy makers and politicians in health system deals with life and death issues with changing technology and elevating costs. These are the heart of the system which when put together raises governance problems which are sensitive than any other sector. In Australia, both the government and the private based health organisations exist, which provide wide range of services worldwide (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). This province has six states and two territories. The country provides free medical treatment and financial assistance, since the introduction of Medicare, in 1984 (Walls et al., 2012). The universal taxation system funds most of these services (Bourke et al., 2012). Australia is a federated system with equal division of power between the state and central government in health care related matters (Mossialos et al., 2015). Australia is having a commonwealth government, to support the revenue for fiscal transfers and the heath care system, with the main authority being the government in raising the revenue (Papanicolas et al., 2013). The five year health agreements have consolidated improved the commonwealth powers. The health care system in Australia is versatile with its equal distribution of its role and responsibilities in different states of the country (Oderkirk et al., 2013). There is a complex interplay of services in private and public organisation. In Australia, 52 % of the elderly population (above 65 years) possess health insurances, which are estimated to be 1.84 million. It also reflects the total number of population above 65 years old (Kassebaum et al., 2014). Therefore, it indicates the fact that Australia is prepared with effective health care services for older patients, increasing their health insurances (Schoen et al., 2012). The early governance system in Australia is quite different. Then the local governments played a little role in health care provision. Postcolonial settlements changed the scenario when only subscription fees were the finance. Doctors worked in Canada and other states as entrepreneurs. In Canada, there exist a public funded and a cost free health care system. Private institutions provide most of the medical services (Schfer et al., 2015). The quality assurance of the care delivered comes from the government through its federal standards (Schfer et al., 2015). There is no data collection on a daily basis pertaining to the individuals health. The health administration maintains its simplicity by maintaining the provision of cost effective services based on the Medicare system (Nicholson et al., 2012). Out of the total health care associated finances, 30% accounts for the private health expenditure. Canada follows a Single-payer healthcare system (Janssen, 2013). In this system, the state does not pay the cost of the healthcare rather it is taken care by the private insurers. Public as a whole or in part financially supports the single-payer system (Walls et al., 2012). Overall provinces continue to dominate in Canada with new emerging model for taking national initia tives. In Canada, there exists a federal based governance system (Schfer et al., 2015). Although one can expect the governance to have centralised characteristics, the actual scenario is somewhat opposite. The countrys provincial government system deals with formulating laws and regulations specifically for a region. On the other hand, the federal system governs the whole province (Foroughi et al., 2016). The governance system of Australia and Canada has evolved to be similar. The government rule in Australia mandates every individual to caste his or her vote in election, failure of which is punishable (Mossialos et al., 2015). There is a close resemblance in the government system of Australia and Canada pertaining to their British parliamentary system (Turner et al., 2013). The fact that reflects this resemblance is that both the provinces are under the membership of British commonwealth (Schoen et al., 2012). The two countries are further compared to assess any differences present in the health indicators such as low birth weight, asthma, obesity, infant mortality rate, hypertension, maternal mortality rate, life expectancy at birth and cancer. The maternal mortality rate refers to number of deaths of pregnant women due to associated complications and termination of pregnancy per 1000,000, live births. It occurs within the period of 42 days (Schfer et al., 2015). While studying the global maternal death it was found that in Australia, maternal mortality is found to occur rarely. The reports of (Papanicolas et al., 2013) showed that there were 102 maternal deaths in the time span of 2008-2012. This represents the ratio of 7.1 per 100,000 women who had successfully delivered babies (Oderkirk et al., 2013). These deaths lead to mental distress among other women. The maternal mortality rate in Canada was found to be 6.0 per 10,000 deliveries, taken into study the time span of 2008-2010 (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). Later, in the year 2010-2011 it was observed that majority of the deaths were due to cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, neurological ad digestive problems (Walls et al., 2012). Infant mortality rate was the next health indictor used to compare both the countries. It refers to number of deaths per 1000 live births occurring before an infant completes one year (Janssen, 2013). According to the reports of (Kassebaum et al., 2014) in 2012, around 1034 infant death cases were registered in Australia. It was decrease by the percentage of 8.8 found in year 2010. There is a significant improvement in the infant death rate. There was a mild fluctuation observed since the year 2002, that reported 1270 deaths, which is reduced to 1044 in the year 2012 (Mossialos et al., 2015). In Canada, in 2008 the number of infant deaths, before the age of one was recorded to be 4.9 per 1000 live births. Canada ranks second in the world in terms of infant mortality rate (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). (Source: https://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.country.country-AUS?lang=en)The other indicator for describing the health condition of the population is Life Expectancy at Birth. It indicates the mortality rate of the population (Marchildon, 2013). It determines the life span of the individual as per their age and specific rate of death. This parameter has improved for the public in Australia. According to this method, a man born in 2011-2013 would survive for 82 years, whereas a female would survive for 86 years. These number changes to 45.6 and 49.1 years if they are born in 1882-1890 (Janssen, 2013). On contrary, a male born in Canada in 2013, would survive for 83 years and females for 86 years. For both the genders, the life expectancy at birth seems to be augmented from 74 to 80 in the year 1990 to 2012 (Kassebaum et al., 2014). In Australia, the life expectancy decreases with increasing remoteness. Therefore, in indigenous population, the Torres Strait Islanders experienced worse h ealth than any other communities did (Walls et al., 2012). The aboriginals in Canada are in much better position than aboriginals in Australian. Figure: Life Expectancy at Birth in Austarlia Health status refers to the state of physical and mental well being. As per (Marchildon, 2013) Australia is recognised to be one of the healthiest countries in the world. The rate of diseases and associated death occurs rarely in this country (Lecours Bland, 2013). In comparison to Canada, it has low mortality rate. It further augmented the rate of morbidity. Canada receives a B grade, with respect to its overall health performance (Turner et al., 2013). As per the reports of (Marchildon, 2013) Canada stands third in terms of mortality rate. The number of deaths is mainly associated with diabetes and its incidence rate is found to increase (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). Therefore, it has turn out to be a major health concern for the administrators, stakeholders and policy makers. Canada receives A grade in the category of premature mortality, mortality due to circulatory diseases and self-reported health (Kassebaum et al., 2014). It receives B grade in the category of mortality due to re spiratory diseases, life expectancy, mortality due to medical accidents and mortality due to mental disorders (Janssen, 2013).Australia has 5% births resulting in infants with low weight at birth. There were, 17,654 infants born with low weight, which is a percentage of 6.12 (Osborn Squires, 2012). As a result of indigenous population, in Australia, there were 3950 babies born with low weight during the period of 2000-2002. However, in Canada the babies born with low weight constitutes 5.3%. This data was constant during the period of 1980-2010 (Deber, 2014).Since last three decades, there is a growing incidence of obesity and associated complications in Australia (Foroughi et al., 2016). During the time of 2010-2011, 64% of the adult population in Australia were recognised with obesity. In the year 2009, 24% of the children in the age range 3-15 were identified to be obese and overweight (Lecours Bland, 2013). As per the data records of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in the year 2010, the rate of obesity might increase by 67% in coming years for all the age groups (Mossialos et al., 2015). Whereas, in Canada, the study by Deber, (2014) show that one in four adults and one in 10 children suffer from obesity. This accounts for total population of six million. Therefore, it implies for serious health management programs for combating weight gain issues. Canada is in 33rd position in terms of having overweight citizens (Smith et al., 2012). The percentage of the citizens having body mass of 25 in Canada comprises of 60.2% (Nicholson et al., 2012). This percentage has increased since 2006 in children, where the frequency in males was found to be 4-15% and the percentage increase in females showed 3-14% (Smith et al., 2012).As per the statistical data collected by Australian Health Survey, in the year 2010-2011, the Australian adults diagnosed with diabetes were reported to be 9,22,000 (Kassebaum et al., 2014). These individuals we re mainly comprised of age above 20 years. Both type I and type II diabetes is prevalent in this population group. Only 3% of the total population in Australia showed no diabetes and some were unaware of the prevailing condition. 6% of the population reported of their diabetes (Osborn Squires, 2012). The condition in Canada is slightly different. Majority of the patients with diabetes has difficulty in adhering to their medication due to high cost of treatment (Tchouaket et al., 2012). According to the survey conducted by Canadian Diabetes Association, 36% of the patients suffering from diabetes resist from revealing their condition due to social stigma and inferiority complex (Marchildon, 2013). Asthma is the common health issues in Australia with one tenth of individual effect by it. It is commonly found in males and females of age 15 and above (Sussman et al., 2012). The incidence rate of asthma is high in indigenous group in comparison to non-indigenous Australians (Tchouaket et al., 2012). It mainly effects and prominent in the elderly people in remote areas and those with low socioeconomic status and poor living conditions (Turner et al., 2013). A thorough literature research shows that the prevalence of diabetes has increased in Canada since the last two decades (Smith et al., 2012). Although there is a serious effort to ameliorate this issue, one death per two days is observed. The report of hypertension may not be accurate as it was observed in the case of diabetes; Canadians do not self-report about their health issues, although simple remedies can easily cure hypertension. These categories of people constitute around 5% of the total Canadians (Nicholson et al., 201 2).There is a growing concern in Australia, due to increase in cancer cases. In the year 2012, the total number of cancer cases registered was found to be 124,153. The male patients (69,030) were more in number than females (55,123). In 2013, there were 467 cases reported out of every one-lakh individuals for age- standardized occurrence rate. It is estimated that the incidences of cancer will be rising by next decade (Lecours Bland, 2013). The situation is almost same in Canada. The rate of cancer is increasing at an alarming rate. In Canada, there is an increase in three-year occurrence ratio with yearly rate of 3.2% from 1998-2009 and 3.4% that of the five year occurrence ratio, whereas the ten year occurrence ratio was found to be 3.8% ((Nicholson et al., 2012). Figure: Global cancer rates Australian Government along with the state and territory government has taken initiative for performance measurement (Walls et al., 2012). It requires assessing through the health indicators. This step enables that the quality and safety of the health services are improved (Lecours Bland, 2013). Thus, it will help identify any changes that need to be implemented in filling the gap. It requires significant contribution from administrators, taxpayers, stakeholders, health care providers and other contributors. In Australia, some nationally acclaimed bodies function to measure the diverse components of the organisation (Smith et al., 2012).The major concern in Canada remains to be diabetes, which is leading towards the third highest rate of mortality (Tchouaket et al., 2012). Canada is graded B for its health performance. Canada stands third in the terms of mortality rate. The number of deaths is mainly associated with diabetes and its incidence rate is found to increase (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). Therefore, it has turn out to be a major health concern for the administrators, stakeholders and policy makers. Canada receives A grade in the category of premature mortality, mortality due to circulatory diseases and self-reported health (Kassebaum et al., 2014). It receives B grade in the category of mortality due to respiratory diseases, life expectancy, mortality due to medical accidents and mortality due to mental disorders (Janssen, 2013). Australias health expenditure measured as the percentage of GDP in 2010 was observed to be lesser than Canada (Smith et al., 2012). In the year 2011-2012, hospitals were the leading cause of the health expenditure. Hospitals comprise to be 97% of the total area in health expenditure with other being miscellaneous purposes such as new buildings. 20% of the health expenditure constitutes of the medical services. This includes services in acute care facilities, primary health facilities and that provided by general practitioners (Le cours Bland, 2013). Drugs and other chemicals comprises of 14%, dental services constitutes to be of 7% (Sussman et al., 2012). On the contrary, the health expenditure in Canada, in 2013 was calculated to be 11.8% of the total gross domestic product (Brown et al., 2014). It is observed to be 1.6% above than the average set by the OECD, which is 9.5% (Foroughi et al., 2016). Compared to Australia, Canada has a lesser health expenditure. In all most all of the OECD countries, public institutions mainly provide the funding (Deber, 2014). Two countries that are exceptional to these funding includes United States and Chile (Fineberg et al., 2012). In Canada the public source, financing contributes to 75% of the health expenditure as reported in 2012. Here it is less than the average of 74% set by the OECD (Eijkenaar et al., 2013). In conclusion, it can be said that the comparative study related to the health care system in Australia and Canada, has clearly highlighted the governance system, funding system and the overall performance in health system. The essay has clearly discussed the health indicators such as mortality rate, health status, and life expectancy at birth, the prevalence of obesity, asthma, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. The essay also provides the percentage of GDP expended on health. There is a high similarity between both the chosen countries. Both Australia and Canada were found to have efficient, safe and effective health care services. In both the countries the main objective of regionalisation was to accomplish greater accuracy and efficiency in consumption of health care resources and decrease the cost of escalation. The issue of governance involving the public participation in decision system is paid less attention in Australia. The public opinion is different from the decision of more state involvement in health operations. It can be said based on the literature review that Compared to Canadians the Australians are more apathetic in regards to reformation of public institutions and structures. However, they both lack behind when compared with other countries in terms of their advancement in health sector. Both these provinces must enhance their medical care services, as health is the foundation of healthy nation. Australia ranks higher than Canada in all of the indicators but is lower than Germany and U.S. In Australia, the life expectancy decreases with increasing remoteness. Therefore, in indigenous population, the Torres Strait Islanders experienced worse health than any other communities did (Walls et al., 2012). The aboriginals in Canada were in much better position than aboriginals in Australian. Australia must overcome its health service discrimination between the Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. In Canada, the patient first approach should be more focused on rather than on different governing structures. Both the above countries have underwent several health reforms since last two days, there still remains a challenge in rising costs and workforce related to health care. These issues need to be paid more attention. Overall, it was an interesting area to work on. This comparative study has given a clear concept on the healthcare management of Australia and Canada and there scenarios in past and present. The literature review was interesting as it gave a deep insight of the subject. References Bourke, L., Humphreys, J. S., Wakerman, J., Taylor, J. (2012). Understanding rural and remote health: a framework for analysis in Australia.Health Place,18(3), 496-503. Brown, S., Castelli, M., Hunter, D. J., Erskine, J., Vedsted, P., Foot, C., Rubin, G. (2014). How might healthcare systems influence speed of cancer diagnosis: A narrative review.Social Science Medicine,116, 56-63. Deber, R. B. (2014). Thinking about accountability.Healthcare policy= Politiques de sante,10(Spec issue), 12-24. Eijkenaar, F., Emmert, M., Scheppach, M., Schffski, O. (2013). Effects of pay for performance in health care: a systematic review of systematic reviews.Health.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Social inequality free essay sample
Teaching Schedule for the Course on: SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Semester: January – April, 2014 Instructor: Satyapriya Rout, Department of Sociology, UoH Month: January Week Class Topic Suggested Readings I (Jan. 6 – 10) 1 An introduction to stratification analysis Daniel W. Rossides, Social Stratification (chapter – 1) 2 Meaning and Nature of Stratification Melvin Tumin, Social Stratification II (Jan 13 – 17) 3 Stratification Through history Daniel W. Rossides, Social Stratification (chapter – 2) 4 How societies generate stratification Melvin Tumin, Social Stratification (Chapter – 3,4,5) III (Jan. 20 – 24) 5 Interrogating Inequality Erik Olin Wright, Interrogating Inequality (Chapter – 1) 6 Introduction to Class Analysis – classic inheritance its debate Rosemary Crompton, Class and Stratification (Ch. – 1,2) IV (Jan 27 – 31) 7 Theories of class Structure – Marx Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power (Sec – 1) 8 Weber – Class, status, party Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power (Sec – 1) Month February V (Feb. 3 – 7) 9 Inequality and Social Structure – comparison of Marx and Weber Erik Olin Wright. 2002. ‘The Shadow of Exploitation in Weber’s Class Analysis’, American Sociological Review, Vol. 67, No. 6, 832 – 53. Reinhard Bendix. We will write a custom essay sample on Social inequality or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1974. ‘Inequality and Social Structure: A Comparison of Marx and Weber’, American Sociological Review, Vol. 39, No. 2, 149 – 61. Val Burris. 1987. ‘The Neo-Marxist Synthesis of Marx and Weber on Class’. In Norbert Wiley (ed.) The Marx – Weber Debate, Newbury Park: Sage (chapter – 3) 10 Marx and Weber – Exploitation and Dominance FIRST INTERNAL TEST – BOOK REVIEW VI (Feb10 – 14) 11 Does Class Matter – Reshaping and Dissolution of Class in Advanced Society Jan Pakulski Malcom Waters. 1996. ‘Reshaping and Dissolution of Class in Advance Society’, Theory and Society, Vol. 25 (5), 667 91 12 Does Class Matter – The continuing relevance of class E. O. Wright. 1996. ‘Continuing Relevance of Class Analysis’, Theory and Society, Vol. 25 (5), 693 716 VII (Feb. 17 -21) 13 Stratification – A functionalist perspective Kingsley Davis. 1942. A conceptual analysis of stratification, Americal Sociological Review, 7: 309 – 321, Kingsley and Moore in Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power 14 Some principles of stratification – A Critical perspective Tumin, in Benedix Lipset, Class, Status and Power VIII (Feb. 24 – 28) 15 Hierarchy and Difference – Dipankar Gupta Dipankar Gupta, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification 16 Some emerging issues in the Indian social stratification Yogendra Singh in K L Sharma (ed.) Social Stratification in India Month March IX (Mar 3 – 7) 17 Inequality Among Men – I (hierarchies of status) Andre Beteille. Inequality Among Men 18 Inequality Among Men – II (distribution of power SECOND INTERNAL TEST – ASSIGNMENT ON ‘CONCEPTUAL AND THEORETICAL APPROACHES IN UNDERSTANDING INEQUALITY’ X (Mar 10 – 14) 19 Hierarchy, Status and Power: The Caste System and its implications Louise Dumont, in Dipankar Gupta (ed) Social Stratification 20 Continuous Hierarchies and Discrete Castes Dipankar Gupta, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification XI (Mar 17 – 21) 21 Caste and Class in India: Some Conceptual problems K. L Sharma, in Sharma (ed) Social Stratification in India 22 Kerala Christians and the Caste System C.J Fuller in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification XII (Mar24 – 28) 23 Agrarian Class Structure in India Daniel Thorner and DN Dhanagare in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification 24 Agrarian Class and political mobilisation in India T. K. Oommen, in Sharma (ed) Social Stratification in India Month April XIII (March 31 – April 4) 25 Tribe as a category in stratification analysis Andre Beteille, 1986. ‘Concept of tribe with special reference to India’. European Journal of Sociology Virginius Xaxa. ‘Tribes as Indigenous People of India’, EPW 26 Tribal Identity and Class Differentiation Ghanshyam Saha, in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification THIRD INTERNAL TEST (WRITTEN) XIV (Apr 7 – 11) 27 Reference Group Theory and Social Mobility R. K. Merton, in Lipset Benexix (ed.) Class, Status and Power 28 Mobility in Caste System/Some expressions of caste mobility M N Srinivas in Gupta (ed.) Social Stratification M N Srinivas, Social Change in Modern India (ch. 3) XV (Apr 14 – 18) 29 Caste, Class and Social Mobility among the SCs K. L Sharma, in Sharma (ed.) Social Stratification and Mobility 30 Gender and Stratification In Anthony Giddens, Sociology XVI (Apr 21 – 25) 31 Caste and Women Leela Dubey in M.N.Srinivas (ed.) Caste: In Its 20th century Avatar 32 Gender in the Making of the Indian Nation-State Maitrayee Chaudhuri in Sharmila Rege (ed.) Sociology of Gender FINAL SEMESTER EXAMINATION
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Smart Cars, Speaks of the TravTek navigationsystem installed in Oldsmobile Toronados
Smart Cars, Speaks of the TravTek navigationsystem installed in Oldsmobile Toronados Answer A :The TravTek navigationsystem is installed in 100 Oldsmobile Toronados, thevisual part of the system is a computer monitor. Through detailed colour maps, itleads the driver through the town. The map changes all the time, cause a computerconnected to a navigation-satellite, and with a magnetic compass installed, calculatesthe fastest or easiest way to your destination. When yellow circles appear in aparticular place on the screen, it means that there is traffic jam here, or there has beenan accident on the spot. The computer receives this information from the TrafficManagement Centre, and it quickly points an alternative route out.b:The driver interact with the system through the so called 'touch screen'. 7000buisnesses in the area are already listed in the computer, and you can point out yourdestination by searching through a lot of menus until you find it, or simply by typingthe name of the street.English: Length of traffic jams on 6 jan 2010when the place you want to go ar e registered you push the makedestination button, and the computer programmes a route, the second after the routeappears on the screen, while a voice explains it to you through the loudspeaker.c:The TravTek guides the driver through the traffic. The computer always knowswhere you are, and the navigation system makes it impossible to get lost in the traffic,unless you really want to, and deliberately make the wrong turns. It also guides youpast traffic jams and problems who might crop up around an accident. In a townwhere you have never been, you will quickly be able to find your way to hotels,restaurants, sports arenas, shops and much more, just by looking through the variousmenus of the TravTek.d:The text definitely prefers the accuracy of...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
WOMANS SUFFRAGE MOVMENT Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
WOMANS SUFFRAGE MOVMENT - Annotated Bibliography Example t ran a historical analysis of this occurrence and allowed for a biopic into how women’s suffrage has impacted the United States and the world since that time. Although it is clear that the United States was not the first system to allow women’s suffrage, the article argues for the fact that its global position of power and dominance helped to spread this practice and acceptance faster than it would otherwise have been spread. Similar to the 100th anniversary discussion that was engaged, the 75 anniversary piece was included due to the fact that it helps to detail the differential in understanding women’s suffrage that has taken place within the past 25 years. Through such a unit of analysis, the reader is able to appreciate the evolutionary process by which an understanding of the suffrage movement has changed and shifted within the recent past. Fraser, Steve, and Joshua B. Freeman. "IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR: The Counter-Revolution Against "Mobocracy." New Labor Forum (Murphy Institute) 21.2 (2012): 105-108.Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Oct. 2013. This article references the main argument that many men of the era made against allowing women the right to vote; namely the belief that allowing women to vote would result in a type of â€Å"mob rule†. Naturally, by deconstructing this argument and showing how this ultimately did not come to pass, the author is able to shed additional light on the way in which antagonism towards women voting was evidenced during the turn of the century. This particular article discusses the fact that the United States was unique in the fact that it gave certain minorities the right to vote prior to women. In discussing the topic in such a way, the reader is made aware of the obvious levels and overtones of sexism that existed within the United States and caused the women’s suffrage movement to be delayed as long as it
Monday, February 3, 2020
Terrorism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Terrorism - Term Paper Example Subsequently, he utilized this hard gained skill to conduct several campaigns of violence and intimidation. Prabhakaran used the LTTE cadres for this purpose, and his targets were the longstanding and moderate Tamil political leaders (Biziouras, 2012, p. 554). The LTTE membership was chiefly from the lower-caste Tamils hailing from the rural areas of the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. The leadership of the LTTE was replete with these lower-caste individuals, who brought about the institutionalization of the LTTE, by repeatedly emphasizing their intention to promote the lower castes in the independent Tamil state that they would be creating. This ideological posturing was nationalist, radical, and unique with respect to the traditional political parties of that region and the competing Tamil revolutionary groups (Biziouras, 2012, p. 555). The LTTE’s moves served to enhance Sinhalese apprehensions regarding the continued territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. In addition, the political and institutional solutions suggested by the traditional Tamil political leadership were rejected outright by the LTTE, which strongly promoted sustained armed struggle against the Sinhalese dominated Sri Lankan State (Biziouras, 2012, p. 555). During the 1970s, the LTTE and other armed Tamil groups embarked upon an armed struggle, with a view to seceding from Sri Lanka. This strife underwent considerable intensification, in the aftermath of the anti-Tamil riots. These riots transpired in July 1983 in Colombo and other parts of Sri Lanka. Several attempts were made to resolve this strife, notably in the years 1985, 1989-1990, and 1994-1995. However, these attempts ended in a fiasco, and the armed engagement between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan armed forces underwent an escalation in scope and intensity (Nadarajah & Sriskandarajah, 2005, p. 88). During that epoch, approximately 90,000 people lost their life, and the majority of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Buyer Behaviour To Fair Trade And Ethical Clothing Marketing Essay
Buyer Behaviour To Fair Trade And Ethical Clothing Marketing Essay Abstract Being an ethical consumer means buying products which were ethically produced and/or which are not harmful to the environment and society. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2001/feb/22/ethicalmoney1) In todays society, consumers are becoming far more aware of the law breaking and inexplicable exploitation of workers including young children in many of the factories across Europe and the World that produce clothing good that are sold all over the United Kingdom as well as many other countries. There is currently a massive gap in the market for a major player to come into and promote that they are using fair trade clothing, showing that they are an ethical business, which would almost definitely up there levels of custom. In effect, the consumers who choose to take their money to ethical businesses would rather purchase ethically manufactured goods rather than the alleged unethical products if the price isnt significantly more than the ethical one. In order to know this however, these consumers need to have appropriate information of the conditions and standards in which they were made before they get to the buying situation. With this only being a recent matter to come up in the c lothing industry coherent information is scarce and it is beginning to cause friction between consumers and businesses. So with issues to do with companies corporate social responsibilities being as big as they ever have been we wanted to know what local consumers felt. Introduction The intention of this report is to analyse and assess consumer behaviour when it comes to fair-trade and ethical clothing. The objective is to find out what consumers beliefs are, whether ethics has an impact on their clothing range, and why they would choose to wear what they do. This was achieved via the use of both secondary and primary research. The secondary analysis involved research using articles on fair-trade and ethical clothing and the appliance of appropriate buyer behaviour concepts and theories. The report will carefully examine, contrast and report on the characteristic decision making processes prone to be used by a particular target market for the purchase of fair trade clothing. This will entail the primary research in which 6 participants will be interviewed with questions regarding to consumer behaviour when it come to purchasing ethical clothing for self wear. Interviews were used as a method to find the qualitative research as they are far more reliable than que stionnaires. The participants are all from Leeds, they are all male and students and aged between the years of 18 and 25. The interviews didnt follow a particular format, as they were informal based, using a number of open and closed questions in an attempt to get honest and appropriate answers from the participants. Research and findings Many aspects of peoples lifestyles can affect the choices they make due to the opinions they form and the interests they have. Looking into somebodys lifestyle can help us develop in depth insights of their consumer behaviour. Some people only buy clothes for comfort, yet others opt to buy clothes as they are branded and they believe it will help them gain respect and a status amongst peers. These points were evident throughout all of the research. An example of it is from interview 3, when asked What aspect of clothing is most important to you? he replied Style and comfort are both important as you to look good but it has to be comfortable as well. This is showing that they wish to look good, yet also desire to feel comfortable. If you take Maslows Hierarchy of Needs (see figure 1 in appendix) and select the Esteem part of the pyramid, we found that this was an ever present issue with the sample with what they had to say. When asked What aspect of clothing is most important to you one participant replied Looks smart and another when asked If you were to wear it do you think your friends would be impressed (as regards to expensive clothing)? He replied with Yes. This shows consumers need to feel confident with themselves when it comes to what they are wearing. They also want to gain respect from others, and sense a feeling of achievement. It is assumed that family and friends will also have a huge influence on dress sense with students. All participants but one agreed with this. When asked Do family and peers tend to have a large influence on the clothes that consumers wear and purchase? one participant answered with yes, because youre constantly around them and they are your family and friends for a reason so you are more likely to have similar dress sense to fit in but everybody does have their own individuality even though you hang around with similar people who wear similar clothing to you. This is proof that you may choose to dress just to fit in amongst peers and family sometimes losing sight of you individualism. The one member of the sample who didnt agree with the above was the only participant from outside of the UK. He was from Eastern Europe. This bring up the topic of whether culture also determines opinions and choices. Culture is the lens through which people see their world. It is also a blueprint of human activity. (McCracken 1986). A Western Value is characterised by separateness in the sense of people being relatively independent and individualistic with the view of the self emphasising separateness, internal attributes and uniqueness of individuals. Non-Western cultures are more connected (interdependent and collective) and have the view of the self stressing connectedness, social context and relationships. This is evident from the way he went around answering specific questions. For example when asked what are your views on how ethically clothes are manufactured? he answered with I have no view, its not my business, which is showing that this topic doesnt really mean much to him . From this we can only assume that this is what the Easter European culture believes and that he is speaking on behalf of them. With most products and brands there is a system of meaning that comes along with them and it is more often than not culturally specific and shared, learned and transmitted through generations. If you look at The Semiotics Triad (see figure 2 in the appendix) we get a better idea of how to change cultural beliefs. If we can get it nailed in to their heads that there is a message behind Fair Trade, perhaps it shows how much you care for the welfare of producers, and let them know what the meaning of Fair Trade is, that you will be providing a better lifestyle for these producers if you purchase the goods, they may become more inclined into buying these Fair Trade goods. From the socio gram in figure 3 (see appendix) you can see that only the Eastern European participant was the only person who disagreed with the question of Does clothing show personality?. T o have any chance of overcoming this cultural difference business must promote all of the benefits that come along with purchasing fair trade clothing. They need to show just how it affects peoples livelihoods and that it isnt just happening in one area, its happening all over the world and everybody needs to do their part to make sure they exploitation is abolished. One of the ways in which this could be promoted and open up to the public is via the use of television advertisements, these would be effective in showing the problems and have the best chance of creating empathy amongst people no matter what culture they may be associated with. Another aspect that was apparent from the research is that consumers look to buy benefits rather than buy things. This was especially the case as the sample were all students and the need to save money yet still have a status and fit in whilst constantly gaining respect is apparent for all to see. When dealing with fair trade consumers can look at benefits in different ways. They can look at the benefits that will be received by the original manufacturers. Or consumers could view fair trade clothing as being more expensive then the benefit to them is not to buy it and go elsewhere therefore saving their self money purchasing a cheaper option. An example of this is, when asked Would you pay slightly more for fair trade clothing one participant replied Yes, however Im not prepared to empty my pockets. This brings up the myth of fair trade being too expensive. If you look at the Market Map (see figure 5 in the appendix) you can see that consumers believe that fair trade clothing is expe nsive to buy and the quality of it doesnt match the price, yet in actual truth the quality is just as good so this myth needs dealing with. The stereotypical mindset of a student is for them to seek the most economical option with clothing that is unless it is branded. This hampers their chances of purchasing fair trade clothes, as the perception is that they are more expensive and that it comes without a brand. If marketers can dig into this perception showing that the little added value is more than worth it and show that it isnt all that much more expensive they will be half way there in changing the perception of students towards it. You can see from figure 4 (in the appendix) that 2 of the participants said that knowing that the clothes were fair trade would not convince you to buy them. This shows that a majority of them would yet a third of them wont. Again one them being of a different culture and the other being British which could prove that is isnt only Eastern approaches yet, only one participant doesnt show that this is how Westerners may also feel. A topic that also occurred throughout is that of motivation. What is it that motivates students to buy the clothes they do. Different factors motivate different people, whether its: brand, price, comfort or style etc. If we look at David McClellands Need Based Motivational Model it suggests that there are three main motivators when purchasing goods. Some have the need for achievement, some have the need for authority and power, and others have a need for affiliation. Basically saying we purchase to get recognition and respect. One example of this is when asked Since being a student has your attitude towards clothing changed and if so how? one reply was Yes because I used to wear scruffy clothes where as now I am more self conscious of how I look, I would rather buy designer makes in order to fit in with friends. This shows just how people like to fit in within a group even if they may not genuinely like what they are doing. Another participant answered Yes I would when asked Would yo u buy an item of clothing just because its expensive?. This also backs up this model. Conclusion To conclude it is evident that more needs to be done to raise awareness of fair trade clothing to students. Figures show that in 2008 a total of  £77.9 was spent on fair trade cotton goods in the UK to drop to  £50.1 in 2009 (http://www.fairtrade.org.uk/what_is_fairtrade/facts_and_figures.aspx)so as well as students perhaps the whole country needs more awareness, however this drop is more than likely to be linked to the recession as luxuries such as fair trade goods will be put to the side by many consumers. However this drop could also be linked to a lack of repeat custom. Once somebody has purchased a fair trade piece of clothing they may feel they have done their bit and have no need to help out anymore. Also advertisement from companies who sell fair trade needs to be increased to give many consumers especially students more knowledge or where it is and how it is produced. Part B Discuss, citing several sources, the differences between the B2B and B2C buyers from the perspective of a sustainable marketer Although business to business buying and business to consumer buying are very similar in many ways, the marketing of the two has to be done in different manners. Buyers are individuals and many different subjects can influence one. Whether it is word of mouth, reputation of a business, or past custom. Business to Business can be described as Business that sells products or provides services to other businesses. (http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/b2b/). An example of this could be Heinz selling its ketchup goods to McDonalds. Business to business buyers are very intelligent with what they do. They understand everything to do with the products and/or service better than anybody else and they are able to continually purchase these products or services and still make sure that they are making a profit. Marketing copy must talk to a sophisticated audience. Taking this into account, business to business marketing needs to be of very high quality, looking for areas that perhaps the buyer wont previously have visited and opening them up to new education. Business to consumer can be described as Business that sells products or provides services to end-user consumers. (http://www.marketingterms.com/dictionary/b2c/). An example of this could be a retailer selling a pair of shoes to its customer. Business to consumer buyers are on the lookout for the best value for money deal and always tend to look around different places before making their mind up on who to purchase from. It is more personal then B2C as it is done on more of a one to one basis. One of the major issues that arises for business to consumer buyers is that of faith and trust. Even though you are able to purchase the same goods from more than one different source whether it be in the high street or on the internet if a consumer knows that they can trust a particular source it is more than likely they will get their repeat custom. Taking this into order, businesses to consumer marketing needs to shows the consumer all of the benefits that buying a product has and prove that they are a trustworthy firm. In business to consumer marketing it is most likely that there wont be much time to play with as consumers can purchase their goods in a split second. Consumers may not even need to view any of the marketing before they opt to buy, it may be word of mouth that convinces them maybe from a friend or member of family. However they may not even need this. Many people buy on impulse, there and then so marketers need to make sure their marketing is noticed therefore it needs to be aimed at the appropriate target in order for it to go noticed, via leaflets or advertisements whether they be on a billboard or television etc. When it comes to business to business buying this idea of impulse buying is scarce. There is normally a list of many things that all need to be ticked before the thought of purchasing even comes to mind. Thus the time is increased and marketers will have more time to play with in marketing their goods and services as B2B buyers need to take their time and make sure they are making the correct and most efficient decision. As well as it having far more time, there are also many more people involved within it. These range from directors to cleaners as everybody needs what is best for them in their role. With more time being available marketers can think of more coherent ways to get the consumers attention and convince them that their goods are better than their competitors. Another difference between B2B and B2C marketing is that the business to business needs to make sure they keep that chain of command in mind. They will have to make sure that all queries are sufficiently answered and there is nothing for potential buyers to believe that they are making a mistake in choosing them instead of others. For example, if you take the Head of I.T from a business, they may decide they want to upgrade all of their computer systems. In their mind they will be thinking of the best value for money supplier to buy from, they will want top quality software but at an affordable and realistic price. They may also want to receive perks for doing business with them. Although this Head may not be the person eligible to make the final decision it is more than likely that the decision maker will take advice from the head and trust them with their opinion. The decision maker will also look at other areas such as reputation of the supplier and speed of delivery etc so market ers need to make sure everything is covered. Another difference between the two is the overall value of a sale. The cost of the initial B2B sale is only half of it, the business then goes on to sell the products it purchased. Initial transactions can cost hundreds or thousands of pounds and it is more than likely that these products will be again sold on. Therefore the value over the lifetime of a product can span many years and add up to thousands, potentially millions of pounds. With B2C they are bought solely for the consumers benefit with them not looking at the possibility of selling the product on. Therefore only a one off payment is made and nothing else needs doing. However marketers should continually be trying new ways of keeping the consumer updated in an attempt to get repeat custom. Appendix Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Impact of computer on society Essay
Positive: i) reducing cost / number of staff needed. ii) Reducing amount of hardware (printers) due to LAN networking. iii) Fun – games, Internet, music, graphics. iv) Communication. More ways to interact globally. v) Education – access to info for research. vi) 3rd world – cheaper to provide laptops thean to send books over (OLPC, etc).. Negative: i) Hardcore porn industry (including child porn) ii) Hackers, ID fraud and spoof websites, iii) Virusses, spam and trojans. iv) Cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking. v) People unable to interact ‘in person’. vi) Online gambling. positive: computers help by saving time to do pretty much anything. tools are created to make things easier right? to save time. computers are tools. computers allow us to use the internet. you can focus on internet as well. no computers/no internet. and of course, internet also has a million ways it helps society such as helping people learn (people can read/research without having to spend time going to a library). that’s a very broad question as there’s tons of reasons. opens a new way of transportation (paperwork). communication (friends/family/business). saves space (filing). negative: safety. (info can easily be hacked, most important for companies or agencies that have classified information such as the fbi/army etc. also, stalkers). inappropriate content for kids, society relies too much on computers sometimes, so when a computer goes out, they can’t do anything. confusing for some of the older generation, and harder to get things done for them as some things can only be done on a computer now. some people never learn computers. gosh, there’s so many reasons!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Best Teacher Essay
I was the kind of child that always struggled to pay attention in school. I never wanted to be in class, except to visit with my friends. At times I wanted to drop out of school. I always felt like school was a big waste of time. Until I met a teacher named Mrs. Meyers at Kent Mountain View Academy. Mrs. Meyers is a teacher that is the most influential person in the world, (but the world doesn’t know it yet), I really admire her because she always encouraged me to go to class and treat other teachers and students with respect, and to try my best. If I ever needed any extra help in homework; she was there, it didn’t matter which subject it was. She always told me that I was very smart and to never to doubt myself. Mrs. Meyers is easy to talk to, I could just tell her anything because she’s very honest and talks to me (or anyone for that matter) openly about anything in life. She was always ready to listen to me when I was feeling down. With her comfort and warm words I always felt better and important. When I needed some advice, she was there for me. She is my friend, my mentor and like a mother. Mrs. Meyers has a great passion and love to teach children. She has so much patience to sit down with them and explain the work to them. She never makes the school work boring; she always made it fun and exciting and easier to learn. She always did it with a smile on her face, even when she wasn’t feeling well. If I had one hour to spend with Mrs. Meyers, I would ask her what influenced her passion for teaching children, how did her life experiences influence her to be a teacher, and many other questions relatable to that. I would ask these questions because she’s a great person, and who doesn’t want to know about a great person? I hope one day I could feel that same passion, care and love that she has of teaching and helping children like the way she help me. She completely changed my life around and made me a different person the one I am today. Mrs. Meyers was the one person who influenced me the most and to whom I am very thankful because she gave me the inspiration to become a teacher or at least strive to do my best at whatever job I choose. I am very glad that I met her and I think that without her I would never do as well as I do in school. Or in life for that matter.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Financial Analysis Stock Return - 2162 Words
Chapter 2 Literature review As we know stock holder consider the stock return as remarkable factor in the investment decisions of projects. So the focus of the present study is on the stock return predictability using financial ratios. Behavior analysis of stock return attain more stockholder attention in the market research than any other factor. Among many other factors which are associated with stock return capital gain and dividend yield can be at higher significance level because it is often said that the survival of short term investment is due the capital gain factor and the long term investment is done for the sake of dividend yield. In order to conduct the efficient study I invested the previous work done by researcher on the impact of financial ratio and stock return to get some help and guidance in my research work. Some of the previously work done in this context are stated below. Research background Prediction of stock return is very important matter which has always attained the attention of financial analysts. Now a day’s stock return predictability has been widely accepted theory. Most of the financial analysis techniques uses the financial ratio to predict stock return in which they use real data extracted from financial statements. These techniques are appropriate source to facilitate the stockholder decision making. Theoretical framework of study The financial statements consists of balance sheet, profit and loss statements, accumulated profit and loss,Show MoreRelatedImpact of Future Derivatives on Stock Market Volatility1588 Words  | 7 Pages Impact of Future Derivatives on Stock Market Volatility Derivatives has been the talk of the financial world after it was accussed as the primary reason for such a deep financial crisis that affecetd the global economy in 2007. 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